hope this finds you well and having a great time .Isaw those same places many years ago . so you went to the suks today hope you gave them a run for your money,and hagledfor the best price
love and miss you grandma
Jack And Joyce
Thanks Gabby, we miss you both, but we're thanking you for keeping us up to date on your travels. Very interesting. Glad to hear that you flight problem as been solved.
Have fun and enjoy yourselves!!!!! Much love!!
Mom And Dad
Great job, Gabby! Sounds like you have been having a good time. Asia - huh, you are quite the world traveller now!
Hope Athens is enjoyable!
Hi Jack and Joyce!
I just wanted to say hi and that I miss you two!!! I can't wait to see you when we get back!!! xoxoxo
Genny And Gabby
Hi Auntie and Dani!
We love you so much that we bartered on your behalf today.... wonder what you got...
The Best Aunty Ever!
Sorry about the shoe thing. Bey you were really loving me? Were they for the same foot? Did you were them anyways? Did you walk in circles or just end up doing the splits, and if so did it hurt or you more flexable than you thought.
Mom And Dad
Thanks for the update!
Can't wait for you to tell us all about it inperson and see your pictures!
Mung O Mung
Tung O O, Bung A Dung, !! O Hung, Wung e Lung Lung......
Hung a Vung E, Tung o, Fung I Gung U Rung E, O U Tung, Sung O Mung E, O Tung Hung E Rung, Dung O U Cung Hung Bung A Gung Gung E Rung Yung!
Lung O Vung E, Yung o u, Gung U Yung Sung
Gung A Bung Bung Yung
Yung e Sung, Bung u Tung > Gung e Nung Nung Yung > Wung o Nung ' Tung > Lung e Tung > Mung e > i Nung > Pung u Bung Lung i Cung.
Sung a Dung > Fung a Cung e.
Mung O Mung
Dung O, Yung O U ,Rung E Mung E Mung Bung E Rung, Hung O Wung, Tung Hung I Sung, Wung O Rung Kung Sung?
Hi Mom!
Yes, it was il scario! I miss my puppies and parents... sad face.
Hi Grandma and Auntie! Yes, we are having fun! And Genny hasn't been sick since the night we left Barcelona so I think it's just a patch of exceptionally rough sea. The captain said something about wind, a 'mistral' or something!
No cutie-petuties... Not really looking either! The mountains and buildings and sights are muuuuch too distracting for those kinds of shinanigans!
Now the vino... I can tell you THAT is excellent. Wonderful.
So I'll have fun, stay safe, and keep my eyes peeled for any bottles of wine with my name written on them!
Grandma And Auntie Lavona
Hope you're having fun and Genny is feeling better and has her sea legs back.
We're having a rainy day and there's more forecasted for the next 2 or 3 days---should help put out the bad grass fires northeast and southeast of the city.
Have you seen or met any cutie-petuties [sp?]? We've heard that they're easy on the eyes once you get to Italy, the real Latino types. Please confirm if this is legend, myth, a little imagination, exaggeration or maybe the truth. We've heard the vino isn't bad either.
So have fun, stay safe and keep your eye peeled for any 'hotties'!