Granada is a beautiful colonial city on the edge of Lake Nicaragua. Café lined streets are closed for pedestrian traffic and large cathedrals tower above the city. Our guide book stated it well when it said that it was Nicaragua´s golden child. We pampered ourselves by getting massages from the ¨Seeing Eyes¨ organization, which was founded and is run by blind men who give incredible massages. And since we are a bit of adrenaline junkies we figured we needed to give zip lining a go as well. We learned that nature observation is a bit difficult as you careen at high speeds through the jungle. Furthermore, after descending down the first five cables, our guides asked us if we wanted to perform some ¨tricks¨ on the following lines. These tricks involved flying belly down with our hands out, appropriately called ¨The Superman¨ and gliding upside down along the cable. The funniest part was that you had to wrap your legs around the guide during the tricks. I have to admit that 6´2 Adam looked a bit funny straddling our much smaller Nicaraguan guide. Before performing the so called tricks, we both kind of looked at each other and like the volcano thought, this would NEVER happen in the US. But, hey, when in Nicaragua…And let me tell you, sliding rapidly down a cable upside down definitely did the trick in returning my stomach or at least lunch to my throat. All and all, we had a great time. Granada really does have something for everyone, whether you´re looking for relaxation and a massage or adventure and a zip line tour, it´s all here.
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Randall Fox Are you heading to Costa Rica on your journey? Sandi and I will are heading down there on the 29th for three weeks of exploring.