The Crazy Adventures of Gemma Jean
Hey there!
So as you can tell I've managed to get some pictures on the site, thank goodness. I~ve been here two hours already but still a lot of admin to do.
Well, only two days until Rio!!! Woo hoo!! Can't wait. I'm going to hanglide off sugar loaf mountain, how cool is that?!
The other day we went river snorkaling. It was incredible. I do have a CD with the pics on including vids as we rented an underwater camera but I'll have to do that another day as I have to leave here soon.
The pics I've just put on are of the salt flats that we went to, as well as some from my new camera in the second lot. How much better are these pics, I've even tried to do some 'creative'shots and feel rather artistic now.
We went to a lovely beach yesterday where the sand meets the mountains and its all green and nice. The water is really warm also so we're loving that. So far Brazil is excellent, loving the country and its culture.
The night before last we managed to go to a small music festival at the town where we're staying and we Sambad all night long whilst drinking Caparina's (traditional Brazillian drink so it would be rude not to try). Actually, a few nights ago I had quite a lot of these Brazillian cocktails and was very very poorly the day after. I blame it on sun stroke though due to the fact that I got progressively worst throughout the day and ended up falling asleep in the toilet cubicle as it was cool there. managed to make it out for my dinner though...can't miss my grub!!!
The whole group are still missing Cazza a lot, especially me. She added just the right amount of crazyness to the mix and I miss my debriefs. She better watch out though when I get back to England as I'll be visiting all the time!! hahaha!
My friend Maddy has just been in to see me on the comp and has told me that although its now 1pm in the afternoon two of our lads are totally anyalated and one has knocked himself out on one of our food crates. Oh dear. Probably a good thing that the tour is coming to an end or there may be serious injuries!!
Ooooh, Yvonne, so glad you're going to Edinburgh, hope you're ready for lots of visits when I get back!! Susie is well chuffed also as she's going to be there for a couple of years so you'll be able to hang out. I'm going to e-mail you now actually as there are some things I need to tell you...all good!!
ok folks, what else have I been up to?! I told you about the Pantanel, which was brill, also going on a boat cruise tomorrow for the day, do a bit more snorkaling, always good. Booked my hostel for Rio, Dad, its Ipenema Sun Hostel and I'm there with another 7 girls so its all safe and nice.
Ok, going to sort out these pics. They prob won~t be in order as I would actually be here for three years if I had to do that but I'm sure you'll be able to guess whats going on.
Missing you all
Gem xxxx
ps. Dad, don't forget my car insurance on the 1st, ta. xx
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