Heelo everybody, well this has been fun here, and i have done some wicked things, most of which you can see on film. THe people here are fantastic fun, and Mr.Arnon the project manager have given me a lot of laughs in the process. Whilst learning to ride the elephants and controlling them i have also been helping the mahouts (elephant trainers) spruce up the volunteers' shower area, so i have actually also done some manual labour on my gap year,,,mad.
The elephant i have been working with ( called bune poi) is very well behaved. The whole experience has given me an insight into the way elephants think, and i now realise just how smart, and unpredictable they can be!
but i have also been given an insight into thai culture, which is really nice as it has been with some really nice people. They are the textbook thai family, polite, hard working and always lauging!
I think now though I pine for the beach, some sand and a lazy start; I have now done all I wanted to do here; experience the culture, have fun and control an elephant, and buid somehtin for them that doesnt break! It seems silly to stay here for the second half and spend moremoney for what i predict will be more days of the same. That is not to say at all that the days i have spent here have been bad in the slightest!
so now it is time for me to move on to the karst formations of the south, and the beach, to sit in a hammock and read a book!x
All the photos and videos i posses should be up in about half an hour, so have a look at the tricks i have been doing (and failing to do) with the elephants.
Much love to all. a truly unforgetable experience!
love George xx
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