It really is like paradise here, it’s extremely hot and for me I am managing to sit and enjoy the glorious surrounding, reflecting on our adventure, wow what a time we have shared, such an amazing experience.
Although we have done a lot of traveling it’s been great to see all what has been going on in different places, each island has had similarities yet they have had their own disguised differences.
We have met many different people and religions, their religions haven’t seemed to divide them, well not that it is noticeable.
The circumstances which reflect the way they live and work, especially with regard to their well being is incredible, day to day back home we would just not be able to cope.
Watching the young children walking to or from school some with shoes or flip flops but so many bear footed, thick in mud yet they just carry on. Young boys herding the cattle in all weathers. The expressions on their faces can tell you so much some are naturally happy others have this distinct look, for some apparent reason it does stop you in your own thoughts and can’t help but wonder what is in there’s.
- comments
Richard Great experience for you both!! Xx