Hi Gareth Love the Blog - although not sure you should send pics of you getting "Tanked up" in Ho Chi Min City are a good idea - think of your Mum!!. Looks klike yr havining a great time. Love from us all and chat soon!
Ian, Jenny , Laura Jack & Peter (The Drums" Martin
Nush's Mum
Gosh I see what you mean about the mopeds! Blog is very interesting and your phots really capture the atmosphere.
Look after yourselves. Ritu
It's 1986 David Bowie From The Movie Labyrinth
actually it's michael.
ive been on my own excursions this weekend....to rural kent, plus my laptop has broken, so have been catching up with the travel blog. very vah vah impressive.
hi gareth
hope your having a nice relaxing time out there. love my ( i mean your ) room!
love rhian..xx
hi lovely missing you lots of love mum xx
Emma And Gregg
Gregg likes your writing style. Good posts. Except for the word no incorrectly used. Emma wants to get a red pen and correct it.Be more careful in future. Hope you're chillaxing to the max xx
Hello Gareth
Enjoying reading your blog a lot. Seen fantastic photos as well. It's shame you lost your photos. Hope it doesn't happen again.
Keep having a wonderful time.
Lots of love from Seoul
Nusu,s Nani
Hi Gareth
Looks like that three of u having nice . But please let us know your travelling adventure. Lots of love 2 all of u .
Laura The Frenchie
Hey Gareth!! I love this travel blog!! I am planning to go in australia in november, so I'm looking forward to read your feelings when you'll be over there!!!
have fun, say hello to Kat
Love from cannes
Aye mate.
Looks like your having fun out there. Bet your not missing good old england eh?
Say hi to kat and nush for me!
Watch out for the thai brides as well!
Saaafe man
Hi Garath - Great photos, all sounds an amazing adventure with lots more to come. Take care of yourself. Lots of love Jackie & willie x