Bad news. The whale trip had been cancelled again (gutted) we ended up extending our stay by one night in Vancouver we didn't rebook the tour, as we needed to move on tomorrow. We hope we are able to do it somewhere else along the coast. Otherwise we will have to wait until Sea World before we see whales. We had to call the tour company at 8:30, so once we knew it was cancelled it was time to get a little more sleep.
One of the big attractions in Vancouver is their aquarium located in Stanley Park. This time we got a bus most of the way & we both were armed with umbrellas that we had just purchased. I think we will be using them a lot! Before the bus we thought it would be a good idea to have some food first. We ended up in a food court (if you ready my Thailand blog, you'll know how much I love food courts in shopping centres!). But it was quick and easy oh.. and cold. We went for the first food desk, as they offered us a free sample and it tasted nice so we went for it. It really wasn't that great. But filled a hole and we moved on to the aquarium. We got the bus up to Stanley Park (Because it was still raining!).
We spent most of the day at the aquarium, seeing all the little and big fishes! My favourite was the pacific white sided dolphins. They darted around the pool so fast. They put on a little show nothing like sea world! But I thought it was good. Beluga whales were also a main attraction, they are not the best looking animal at 40% fat. But they do live in ice conditions.
They had loads of star fish, sea horses, otters and all the other normal stuff you see in a underwater. They had a couple of penguins, they were kept in a small cage which I thought was a little cruel. There was a documentary in 4D that showed us the salmon and how they swim up stream. I am sure I had seen this before and then found out it was a BBC production. We walked a little bit more around the grounds before retuning back on the bus. The rain had stopped for most of the day. The sky still completely grey no blue patches at all. On the bus back to the hotel it seemed to be kicking off... Couldn't really see what happened but everyone on the bus was trying to have a look.
Tonight was our last night in Vancouver and CANADA. It had finally stopped raining and the pavements were even dry. So We didn't bother with coats or jumpers. We decided to treat ourselves to a nice meal out followed by a few beers I mean a lot of beers. We had a look at a couple of menus before picking a posh burger joint Red Robin!. Neither of us actually had burgers. The dinners were massive and I couldn't even eat all mine. After a couple of beers to start we followed them up with cocktails. Chris had to have a caesars before we left Canada. I ended up having something with rum in it, I let Chris pick it for me as he is drinking the dirty clam and tomato juice drink! These were then followed by more cocktails. I had a mojito and Chris had a vojito. (It's a mojito with strawberries and vodka!) it was a lot nicer than mine, as she forgot the sugar which made mine taste really strong. We decided it was time to move on.
The heavens opened and it had started to piss down with rain again. I only had a t-shirt on, we ran from shelter to shelter trying to keep out of the rain to the next bar that was a couple of blocks away. It was an English pub and really nice. Except it was tiny. You really couldn't swing a cat around. They had a pool table but there was no way you would have been able to have played a game. We ordered a couple of southern comfort with lemonade, except some job worth behind the bar said they didn't sell lemonade, so we ended up getting coke. Except the second round we asked a barmaid and she said they had sprite. Sprite/Lemonade are the same bloody thing! Chris had managed to get the shots in, in the same time it took me to go to the bar. He had ordered with a barmaid that was walking around. Tomorrow wasn't going to be pretty.
Still a few blocks away from our hotel we decided to head to the bar underneath where we were staying. It would mean that if we got wet it wouldn't matter as we could be in our room within seconds. We had a pitcher of beer and some more so'co and sprite! Both smashed by now we were putting the world to right (drunk talk!). I am sure we had more shots in this bar as well. I think It was at least one in the morning when we went to bed. It was an amazing last night.
Travelling around Canada has been fantastic, seen and done some amazing things. My highlight cities were Toronto and Banff - I loved the horse riding, seeing Niagara Falls, and the views over the Rockies and lakes have been breath taking! I am looking forward to retuning back to Canada one day! (Worse part - WINNIPEG, never again I will I visit that city)
But still lots more adventures ahead of us, when me and Chris hit The United States of America! Hell yeah!
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