Well, the midnight train to Moscow wasn't quite as romantic as it sounded! I was delivered tothe station 2 hours before the train was due to go (erring on the side of caution, perhaps, but better than not being delivered at all, I suppose) and had to wait on a freezing platform - no waiting room, benches, etc until the train arrived. I fondly imagined that the train would miraculously be half empty and I'd have a compartment to myself, instead I found that I was sharing with 3 rather taciturn Russian gentlemen (one was actually quite chatty but very few seem to speak English). Anyway, that wasn't the problem, the problem was that they took turns to snore!! So not much sleep was to be had. However,the Russian countryside and small villages looked like black and white pictures from a book in the pale light of dawn. The black of the forests and the rather randomly placed houses, with their steeply pitched and half hexagonal (?) roofs, and the white of the snow. It was worth staying awake for (just!).
I am in a very modern skyscraper of a hotel (24 floors - I'm on the 16th) about 5 metro stops from the centre of Moscow. It is very comfortable and has an internet cafe!! which is not exorbitant!!! So, I'll try to maintain more regular contact between now and Monday. Well, it is a lovely sunny day so I might just go and check out the local area and start sightseeing in earnest tomorrow.
- comments
Christine Fulcher Jean it is lovely to read about your travels- it really comes to life. I can just imagine the Russians taking turns to snore!! Liooking forward to the next bit! Love Christine
Debs Williams Hi Jean! I'm so pleased to be able to read about your adventures and already looking forward to seeing all the photos when you're home and you get round to cropping them!! But there's so much to see and do first! Have a great time and I'll await the next instalment eagerly. Have fun love Debs x
Kay Jean...its the Orient Express that's supposed to be trip and I might come with you...could do with some romance!!! - separate compartments of course. Have you got yourself one of those lovely Russian hats or is it not cold enough for one of those now. Sounds like the scenery was quite amazing and am truly envious of your travels. Look forward to reading the next instalment. Take care and have fun. xx