Hello Everyone!!
Still having an amazing time but hating the fact that we are now able to count on 2 hands the number of days until we are back in England. It feels like yesterday that we were being packed off, terrified, on a plane to Bangkok.
We have realised this week just how exhausted we are from not being in the same place for longer than 2 nights. We will sleep for a week when we get home to recuperate :D So, Revelstoke was very nice, we went to a little farmers market the following morning with all the fresh veg etc. We then spent a few hours on the road driving through the changing scenery. The area we were aiming for is semi-arid desert which is strange. We drove through a town called Salmon Arm which was a sweet town on the lake side where we had a Wendys = it was yum. They use really nice buns nicer than maccas! From Salmon Arm we drove south towards the US border through a town called Kamloops where we stopped at a flea market. It was a bit red neck, but they had some pretty cool old stuff, like old coke bottles and car number plates. We also managed to pick up some books for a dollar each. The weather has been much kinder to us since the last blog, it has been warm enough for tshirts and shorts on some days :D
We then arrived in Nelson where we stayed for the night. They had a lovely festival going on with some really nice stalls. We shared a hawaiian shaved ice cup! The motel we stayed at was really nice and the man on the desk took a liking to us and gave us a huge room and a discounted price, all because we are from England. The room had 3 beds!! Very odd. That night we went to an outdoor cinema. We have been wanting to go to one since Australia and we were lucky enough to catch this one on the right night :D So we drove in to the huge screen and set our car up. All the people with there huge trucks parked so they could sit in the back in sleeping bags etc. We then tuned the radio into the correct station, grabbed a bag of sweets and relaxed to watch the film. We saw Get him to the Greek which was very funny. An amazing experience, I felt like i was in Grease.
The drive to Penticton was a short one, but very pretty. We stopped in Kelona to go in the Walmart which was amazing. Huge and sold absolutely anything you could imagine. We also went into the British shop and went crazy over dairy milk, curly wurlys, proper sausages, bread sauce and hula hoops. We are however saving all of these treats until we get home. Penticton is a huge base for the British Columbia Wineries. Our hostel was very nice but it was seperate male and female dorms and Kates ended up pretty much in a room by herself. But it was clean, the people were nice and we got donuts for breakfast. We hired bikes on our second day there and did the winery tour. It was a killer, all up hill but worth it. We went into 5 wineries and tasted wines at each, ending up a little squiffy. G even had to sit down and have something to eat. It felt like we were in tuscany because of the syles of building, the views and the bistro restaurants over looking the lake. Some of the wine was amazing. After the tour, we rode along the beach stopping at a giant peach for an icecream for G. It has a lovely feel in Penticton, like being on holiday. We also found a cheap crazy golf course along the way so stopped for a game, G won by one point. Back at the hostel we were knackered and kates fell asleep hanging off the end of a chair. Our bums also hurt so much because the lanes were gravelly. We were invited out for drinks with some guys from the hostel but we were so tired and they weren't ging out until 11.
The following morning we left Penticton to head to Vancouver. We made it to Hope and went back to the same Motel as before. We had to wake up at 6.30am though to watch the football. On from Hope, we drove to Whistler. It is a lovely town, if not a little too commercialised. There is still snow on the mountains so it was very pretty. Im sure in snow it is magical. We stayed at a hostel right on the front of Lake Alta. A log cabin buiding with no tvs just log fires etc. Really really nice and we had a good nights sleep as no one was in our dorm. So yesterday we had a walk around the town centre and ten went off for a hike whichw as lovely until we got lost in a housing estate. The lake we passed had a beach and diving platforms and looked like the lake in 'On Golden Pond' So our reasonable hike turned out to be a very long hike, working our way back to the village. G was promised a trip to the Old Spaghetti Factory when we got to Canada, as he went when he came as a child. SO for lunch we treated ourselves to it. It was very nice but the portions so big. G also said that everythign came with cheese! After lunch, G had a nap in the car, which is scarily becoming a bit of a habit for us, Kates was very good and didnt nap. So we left Whistler and drove down and over the border into the US towards Seattle. And that is where we are today!
Love you all loads
San diego -
hollywood -
canada part 1 -
canada part 2 -
canada part 3 -
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