Gaijin no Gaaru: My Study Abroad In Osaka, Japan
About Shelby
PDA in Japan is an interesting topic. The reason I am posting about this is because after Japanese Language class today two American students gave each other a hug. The teacher saw and started laughing at them, and when everyone looked at her strangely she stated that "hugging is not our custom". She stated that in Japan only coup…
Hello, my name is Shelby. I'm 20 year old college student from Missouri, who is studying abroad in Osaka, Japan during the fall semester of 2011 at Kansai University. This is a very special trip for me, as it has been a dream of mine to visit Japan for a long time. In being such an important trip for me, I've created this blog to record and share my experiences with people who may be thinking of studying in Japan or just want to visit. The title of my blog "Gaijin no Gaaru"…
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Osaka, Japan
PDA in Japan is an interesting topic. The reason I am posting about this is because after Japanese Language class today two American students gave each other a hug. The teacher saw and started…

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Osaka, Japan
I've caught a cold TT_TT It began last week when my throat started hurting so I went to the drug store by my dormitory (pictured) I bought some pills that said "throat" on the box in…

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Osaka, Japan
Last weekend I took a trip to Nara with my Japanese Religion Class Despite the fact that it rained the entire time we were there it was still an amazing experience. I was soaked and tired and …

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Osaka, Japan
I was going to blog about my trip to the Osaka Aquarium last Saturday but I haven't uploaded to my computer yet (.w.;). Sorry! I will make a blog post later this week about that.
So, I thought…

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Osaka, Japan
Today I had Japanese Oral Class and Japanese Religion. My religion class is planning to take a trip to Nara this weekend to see some shrines and temples!I love Japanese traditional culture so …
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