Hi Gabriel just finished reading your blogs loved them and I'm trilled that your having a ball. My only concern is you might become a Thai.Keep up the blogs and continue enjoying life. Your Mom & Dad will be coming to visit next month sometime.looking forward to that. All our love .
Darrell Ferguson
Hi Gab. I tried to look at you pics but it said there was some kind of error and to try later which I will do . Just thought I would let you know we are thinking of you
Sandra Bakke
Hi Gabe. Sure looks like you are having a wonderful time. The pictures look wonderful. What a great way to really get to see a new country. I look forward to seeing more of your adventures.
Rhonda Burell
Happy New Year Gabe!
We miss you hear at Boeing Land. By the looks of your pictures you are having a great time. I'm having a hard time believing that you really are teaching English.
Anyway, hope to hear from you soon. You know me, I have to ask - Who's the girl?
What's up man!??
That blog was great! I am going to forward it along to Kali. She will love it. She's a smiler just like you and has the same feeling. I rated the blog 4 stars on accident. I meant to give it a 5! I also emailed you but I know you are busy so we can catch up whenever you have time. Sounds like you are having a blast! I'll keep checking in to read more blogs. Laaaaaaaaaate!
Mom And Dad
Hi Son,
We love your blog and really look forward to updates and pictures. Please put a few pixs of yourself. We miss you. Love you lots
Rhonda Burell
Hi Gabe,
Really great to hear from you. You are going to be great with those kids. I loved your pictures. Sounds wonderful.
I will check back occasionally to see your updates.
Kathy & Duane Berg
Hey Gabe,
Your blog is great. We will keep checking it to keep up with you. Be careful and have a great time.