Today we decided to head to Pearl Harbour. We weren't the most organised so we hadn't booked the tickets for the Arizona Memorial which become available 60 days before. They also release some the day before (but we didn't do that either) and if you get there early enough they have some available for the day but that didn't happen either. We had slept in and no one set an alarm and by the time we had brekky and got a car there, it was close to 11am. We decided to wander through the two museums they have for free and then decide if we wanted to visit any of the other places at the memorial. Some interesting reading and photos and I think we all learnt a bit today. Such a crazy period of time and it is such a shame that world leaders still haven't learnt their lessons about war. While waiting for mum to finish in the museums, Adam and I were sitting near the area where people with tickets go to see a short video before heading over to the memorial. I heard the volunteer say something about a stand by line so I asked if we had no tickets if we could join that line. He waved us in and we were lucky enough that lots of people didn't show for that session so we got in straight away.
Video went for about 25mins and was similar to the info we had just read. We then boarded the vessel that takes you out to the memorial. Since the middle of last year, the memorial has been closed due to damage to the boarding area of the memorial so the boat just takes you over and past the memorial. Definitely not the same but as close as we were going to get. While we were there, a helicopter and small plane flew overhead and you can only imagine the noise on the day it happened when over 100 planes were flying overhead and dropping torpedos and bombs.
Once we were dropped back we finished walking along the shore reading the plaques along the waterfront. We decided we were satisfied with what we had seen today, just glad we were able to get across to the memorial after thinking we wouldn't make it. Mum had wanted to go to the outlets but after looking at what stores were there decided against it. Instead we headed to Ala Moana Shopping Centre where Adam headed off on his own and mum and I did a bit of shopping. However, the centre was so huge we sort of gave up and just visited a couple of stores before getting a bus back to the hotel in time to enjoy our nightly cocktails. By now, mum had decided on the White Sangria, Adam favoured the Blue Hawaii and I was enjoying the Bay Breeze.
Adam had eaten at the shops so mum and I headed over to PF Changs for some yummy Chinese and finished off with Banana Spring Rolls. Adam joined us by the end of the meal and he and I decided to do Diamond Head tomorrow morning for sunrise so a quick stop at the ABC store, which is on every corner here to get some extra water for the morning hike.
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