Sooooo it's been a long time since i've updated my blog and not trying to make anyone jelous but it's due to the fact that i have been doing soooooooooooo much cool stuff.
soooooo without writting a mamoth chapter book i will attempt to update yall on my life.
where did i last leave you.....
The Grand Canyon. I tried to make t sound like I had done something crazy by getting dread locks when really all I did was have one of my friends weave wire and beads through a section of my hair, i think it looks pretty cool but I am really not looking forward to taking it out.
Next weekend was Sedona. Sedona fulfills every dream you have ever had of the wild west. The red rocks that line the horizon, country music playing, dry heat and cowboys walking around. Sedona was made that much better by the fact that it was international cowboy day, so there were literally cow boys every where. We then went to slide rock which is just out of sedona. People in Sedona don't go to the beach, they go to slide rock. Slide rock is just that, a flowing river with a huge rock that you slide down.
Camp finished with alot of tears, I spent a few days in phoenix with an amazing friend from camp, we went to the drive in movies where we watched a movie from the bonet of the car. I have to say it was pretty cool to be watching a film and be like ohhhhhhhh what just moved and then realise that it was just an airoplane flying behind the screen.
The next day we hung out and then It was off to my first ever baseball game. It's said that baseball is like cricket but to be honest I think it's alot more interesting. The game is easier to understand, you sing the take me out to the ball game song, eat disgusting food and get free entertainment buy watching the the big American guys knocking back there beer.
Next was on to San Diego, for family week. I was picked up from the airport by my family and my very excited 6 year old cousin. We have had the most amazing full on week. Firstly we had a BBQ at the yaught club followed by a trip to sea world where I happened to have my first celebrity sighting, David beckham and gordan Ramsy.Then we had another sailing day, I was lucky enough to have some of my friends from camp who were in San Diego for a few days come on the boat. We sailed sore Seals had a raft up, had an amazing dinner on the boat and headed to shore. We went to disney land for the weekend which I can't even begin to explain how amazing it was. You just feel like you are living in a dream where the imposible is turned into reality.
We returned form our weekend at disney land completly exhusted and slept untill lunch time the next day. That afternoon my cousin jewl and I went to the San Diego zoo which is as they say the best zoo in the world. That night we went out for real mexican food, the resturant was packed and obviously for a good reason because the food was amazing. Everthing has been perfect and I have proberbly left out a whole lot of other amazing adventures that I have had.
And that brings me to today..... a day to relax, get myself organised and pack my bags because tomorow I drive up to los angeles where I am spending the night before flying out to New York.
so hopefully I didnt make any one to jelous, and I apologize for this novel length blog. I promise I wont leave it so long untill I update again.
Love Lauren
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