Hey there family and friends! Well somehow another week has flown by and we're still here in Bangkok! We've been here a week now and to be honest we're a little bored of the area now and are longing to see some interesting things again and take some more incredible pictures. It's not that there isn't anything to do here, it's just that it's so busy here and there's only so many times you can hear street hawkers saying "where you go? You want Tuk Tuk? Ping pong show??" before you start to go crazy!
Having said that the past week has been pretty cool, we've met some funny people, seen some VERY strange things, not all of them suitable to share with you in this form of communication and done a fair bit of shopping and drinking so here's a quick catch-up on what we've been up to:
Saturday 11th August
Today we headed off to Chatuchat market, which is the probably the biggest and busiest market I have ever seen in my life other then the one in Eastenders (those Fowlers are run off their feet!) and we grabbed some great bargains. Kerry purchased a couple of tops, some jewellery and a dress while I managed to find some nice but cheap t-shirts. The place was so hot and busy that by the early afternoon we had both had enough so we headed over to Siam Square to enjoy the slightly cooler and less hectic MBK shopping centre, the place to go for knock offs and cheap make-up. Kerry bought a couple of pairs of high heels which were really cheap and I saw an awesome motorbike jacket, which I will resist purchasing until I go home. In the evening we grabbed something to eat before enjoying the cheapest cinema tickets we have paid for since Bill Murray was fighting ghosts in Ghostbusters. We watched Simpsons the Movie, which was pant wettingly hilarious and you have to check it out if you haven't seen it. Rather patriotically here in Thailand everyone has to stand up before the film starts to pay respect to the national anthem.
Sunday 12th August
Spent today wandering around Khao San road and in the early evening we watched some fireworks going off for the Queens Birthday and watched Arsenal just about beat Fulham on the TV at the restaurant in our hotel. Afterwards we headed over to the local temple where celebrations were taking place for the Queen, including two huge stages with dancers and singers and lots of crafts on display. The whole street has been decorated with pretty lights and the place was packed! In the late evening we headed back to Khao San road and purchased our first bucket of Sansom, which is a cocktail consisting of Sangsom rum, red bull and coca cola. We got talking to two German girls called Pegah and Maria and also an Australian guy called Mark, who was very drunk. We arranged to meet up with them the following night.
Monday 13th August
We walked up and down Khao San road again this morning taking in all the stalls selling cheap goods and the general ambience of the place before walking a while down the road to a temple called The Golden Mount, which as the name suggests sits up on a high mount with great views of the city. We got there 5 minutes before closing time and luckily enough the monks let us in to have a quick view from the top and to take a few pictures. On the way out a huge rain cloud came over and the heavens opended giving us a pretty good soaking. The rain doesn't last long here though and the sun was soon out again. In the evening we met up with Mark, Pegah and Maria and we all headed over to an area called Silom where we witnessed some of the seedier side of Thailand at a strip bar. I won't go into too much detail here, all I will say is there was ping pong balls involved and rather convincing ladyboys. Mark, Pegah and Maria left before us and we ended up getting back to Khao San road fairly late.
Tuesday 14th August
We got a frantic call from Mark at 8am who explained that $3000 worth of stuff was stolen from his room the previous night whilst we were out. His two cameras, iPod and loads of other possesions were all gone, although thankfully the thief didn't take his mobile phone or passport. We met him straight away for a coffee and he was absolutely gutted, bless him. We spent the rest of the day with him cheering him up by watching football in the Irish bar and playing pool. In the early evening we had our first Thai oil massage, which lasted for an hour and was heavenly! It only cost the equivalant of four pounds so we're going to treat ourselves to more. In the evening we had a curry in an Indian restuarant with Mark before meeting up with his friends Rich, who had arrived in Thailand that day. Another guy called Tom also joined us as did Pegah and Maria. After drinking copious amounts of Sangsom buckets we finally headed back to the hotel room in the early hours.
Wednesday 15th August
We met Pegah, Maria, Mark and Rich at D Cafe for a fairwell coffee as the girls were off to Ko Pagn Ngan today to carry on their crazy antics there. We headed off to Mission hospital as we remembered that we were both due a Hep A and B injection. Our doctor was an American guy who gave us some great information regarding Malaria. Kerry also made arrangements to see the dermatologist the following day regarding the veins in her leg. In the evening we headed to Siam Square and the MBK centre again for a great dinner and I purchased some cheap copied games for the gameboy that I borrowed from Cristian. Upon arriving back at Khao San road we headed off for another oil massage, which again was excellent although Kerry felt embarrased that her old masseuse massaged her boobs!
Thursday 16th August
I felt pretty ill this morning so Kerry got a cab by herself to the hospital for her early appointment. I stayed in bed and waited for Kerry to come back. Kerry returned a few hours later after having the veins injected and now she has to wear thigh to toe tubi-grip stockings for a week, really sexy! Her medical bill came to 6118 baht, which sounds alot but is less than 100 pounds. She also can't carry anything, drink or have a massage for a week so all those responsibilities fall on me! What a shame! We began applying for our Vietnam and Cambodia visas through our hotel, but will have to wait until next week to get them due to Vietnam having a public holiday on Monday for their elections. We had dinner at our hotel and promised ourselves an early night in but at 8 o'clock Mark called and asked if we wanted to go out. As it was loud in our rooms due to the loud local clubs we decided that one drink wouldn't hurt. We met the boys for a Chang beer tower, while Kerry enjoyed her water! We stayed out till 3a.m. so much for an early night!
Friday 17th August
Woke up really late today and watched TV before meeting up with Mark and Rich at the Central Cafe for lunch. Rich reccommended the Thai Red prawn curry, which was great but not as good as the green curry. Us boys had another Chang beer tower then we had a quick respite to do our washing before heading out again in the evening. Kerry spent the night laughing at us whilst we got progressively more tippsy. Sangsom buckets are EVIL!! We all stayed out till gone 4a.m. celebrating Mark and Richards last night in Thailand before they set off in the morning for Vietnam. We felt rather sorry for them as they had a really early flight meaning they weren't going to get much of a sleep!
Satuday 18th August
Today we have done b***** all except surf the internet and feel pretty rubbish from the drinking last night. Well me more than Kerry who's feeling rather refreshed from all the water! Tonight we're going to watch some premiership football on the TV, we've watched more football here in Thailand than the last 9 months out together. The old president of Thailand now owns Man City so the Thai folk are really interested in the English Premiership.
Sorry this blog update hasn't been that interesting, we promise we will get away from Khao San road soon as we can and have some more proper adventures and stories to tell you all! We send our love and hope that you are all well!
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