I am just wondering how long Scruffy will last in the adventures. Surely your bag will become so packed that there shant be room for the little man. Or may be its me that just buys too many souvenirs. Great pics!!! Benita
Dont worry Lee, I cant spell either. Max
France Legros
bon voyage et bon vent à tous les deux
revenez nous avec plein de souvenirs et de photos
mais un petit conseil, prenez soin de vous affaires personnel.
Lauren Baker
The thought of your last email still brings a smile to my face! Love the pics. LL xox
Delphine & Bruno
Que de belles images ! Nous attendons la suite des photos et anecdotes avec impatience
Profitez bien de votre voyage
Bisous de Delphine & Bruno
John O
Eh Oh!
Wondering if you've got any stuff left. I lost count of your missing togs after Peru.
Pictures are great. And you've only been gone 3 weeks!
Hey you gorgeous two, the website looks fabo!! Great to see some pics of your adventures!! Where's the skinny dipping one??? Steph, miss you loads - actually, work misses you load - it's all very serious at work now!! xxxx Jo