Lee and Steph Glad you,re still in one piece,it surprised me ! Who is writing the script? Nice job......Look forward to seeing you both....love dad..
You guys are nuts, that is all I can say... Sounds like you are having the time of your life, lucky b*****s, whilst we slave our guts out at work.. Okay well I have never really done that...
Pictures are wicked. Let me know when you guys are in Oz... Safe Travels Luv Kaz xx
Hello you two. Looks like you're having a wonderful adventure. Am very jealous. Take care love Px
Sharon Womack
Hi guys - finally managed to see the album through to the end - fab - where are the rest of the photos!! this bought back some memories for us (alas we still have not got our photos developed)...who in the end did you do your Inca Trail through - the same as us? chat soon, hope you guys are well!
Sharon xx
Steve Buchanan
So guys, hope all is well, happy new years and all that stuff. Looking forward to hearing about your trip when you get over here. Hope things are well. Lee, I went and bought you some Kronenberg 1664 for when you get to Australia. Have Fun!! Speak soon.
Steve B
Hey Steph and Lee,
Great to see the lovely photos! Hope you are both well and don't go losing any more togs!
Dad and mum are not very good in english
see you soon
Papa Et Maman
vraiment c'est super d'avoir des photos de votre voyage très régulièrement et nous attendons la suite avec impatience.
mais que cela ne vous empèche pas d'envoyer des mails racontant vos aventures... bises à tous les deux
C'est une superbe idée cet album. J'y ferai des escapades souvent. Steph, le photographe pourrait faire mieux ? Il est déjà assez bon !!! Grosses bises. Sissi.
I am sooo jealous.. nice tan steph. there are about to be blizzards and snow here .. great! I'll be thinking of you as i'm walking through it to the tube..take care..rayneexxx
bonjour lee et steph et bravo pour ce carnet de voyages interplanétaire ; les photos sont belles et ça nous permet de participer (un peu) à cette belle aventure ; bises des marseillais. bénédicte
Hello Steph & Lee
How are you?
Votre voyage est il interressant?
Avez vous vu la neige dans les montagnes, après être passé sur des plages ensolleillée?
Good Travel!
Internet is very cool to send some messages.
See you soon
Big Kisses