Freddy goes far
wooh. so here I am in Taupo, can't remember where I left yah. been to rotorua-smelly city but pretty cool lots of thermal activity and geysers. Also went to see mauri concert which was pretty cool. Passed through some small towns last one being... crud can't remeber, it was this mornign and there was avery cute puppy. done a lot of walking looking at beautiful junglesque shapes, waterfalls, feilds a plenty cows and sheep. They geysers were amazing the whole area in rotorua think was called te pahia was soo archaic. like a scene from land before time. I can't believe I've only been here 9 days. NUTS! seen so much it's crazy. Starting on my east as tour tomorrow- the east coast. Lookin forward to it, heard good things, meant to be very laid back, reckon I'll chill aorundthere a bit and then I'm back in Taupo and continue on down the country. woah stopping and writing this has really made me realise how mcuh I've seen next time I should bring my diary with me to the computor and just copy some of it. What else... Oh yeah one of the big waterfalls was 3rd biggest in Nz, that was fairly impressive. Most lasting memoery is of the very cute puppy that made friends with me this morning. good dog. Ah crud I would've put the phtos up but I can't pause the session. wack. hopefully I'll mnage to get some up. peas oot fellas!
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