Wandering Europe
So i think i am kinda getting out there in the world coming to budapest and all.....well i was so dead wrong.....i am thinking i am gonna have to struggle with the language and have poor living conditions and such but it is nothing like that.....on the train before i even arrived english speaking guides came along handing out fliers and giving info and first it seemed scamy and i am sure they are making money by promoting only certain hostels but they were not bad prices and they provided a private vehical to transport to the hostels....cant beat it.....but first the train ride was intresting cause i was with a greek man who had studied in the states for 10 yrs or so.....he like other people i know have encouraged me to work very hard now and then i will be able to retire young....he found it quite humorous i was becoming a nurse....i hadnt gotten that response in some time but it was funny...once i got done explaining i think he understodd a bit better but he still didnt see it as a males yeh and then he gave the poor tourist kid a huge deal about currency exchange cause last tie no one told him not to excahnge at the train station (that is a no brainer) but the rate was really poor and he lost like 25 % so he is yelling at this poor kid and telling him he should do somethign about his......well the kid is like that is what i am doing now telling you but the guy was still liek well you should post signs near the exchange was and interesting 10 minutes.....anyway so i arrive and get my private chariote to the is in a decent district and lots near and around it including a mall......first i have seen since coming here a true big huge has everythign mall......well i was starving and so i got a nice hungarian meal with instructions from the hostel staff as where to go......for like 8 bucks too.....excellant prices...well my hostel only had availiblity for that night and so i took it as a sign that i should only stay one night,......i needed to keep i decided to get an overnight train tix in the mornign and then ditch the bag at the stationa nd get a bike tour.......though i didnt want to be the tourist i was one and with limited time it would allow me to see a lot with a guide and all and so yeh.....s\we got these great bikes called cruisers......3 speeds....pedal breaks.....emmett would cried.....but the guide was great and had some good stories.....learned a bunch about hungry that i definatly wouldnt have known and say most of the city....only thing i wished i had time for was the museum of terror that sounded really well done......but did the tour and then headed to the biggest bath.....i had a few hrs left so it would be refreshing.....well standing in line there is this morther and daughter.....the mother is kinda obnotious and loud and american.....she is everything i really disliked about tourists....she was kinda making a scene about the long line cause it was rush hr at the baths.....and then she starts talking to me and is like completly apauled by the living standards here......i kinda wanted to tell her to wake up but i kept my mouth shut and was diplomatic about all answers and questions....and her poor daughter....but yeh anyway di the baths and they were great but there was no info on them and apparently there were indoor ones that were much cooler then the outdoor ones which were the only ones i i was kinda in a hurry and it was a socializing thing and i had no one to socialize with so i took off......made the train in plenty of time grabbed a snack for dinner to realise that my ticket doesnt say where i sit.....hummm which bed is mine.....i guess it is choose your own.....when i double check it turns out i have a seat and not a bed.....ahhhhhhhhh.....i had to pay quite a bit cause it was an overnigth train and not in the eurail zone.....but i didnt even get a bed which i clearly stated tot he lady when buying it........i asked if i could upgrade but i was todl there was no making the best i just had to hope there was few people and i could stretch out a bit on the seats....umm well people got on and off and it ended up being 3 of us on the cabin.....two really nice girls from paris who had been at a music festival in budapest.....well was a long night though....they were linguistics majors and so spoke english well but still draining doing the culture talk over and over again....that and coming sleeping time we kept getting out tickets checked as we entered new countires and border controls and umm....prolly got woken up 5 times during the 5 hrs of sparce sleep i got in the sitting postion......but it was nice to have them their to talk with.....this morning we exchanged emails and their friend who picked them up gave me directions to a good hostel........well her directions were a bit off but i made it after about 2 hrs of wandering with the huge pack on my back.....and yeh i am on not so much sleep so i am kinda not feelin too motivated.......gonna be a bit of a more relaxing afternoon in a park or something cause i cannot nap at the hostel as it closes for the day til for future plans i believe i will spend 3/4 days in poland here and prolly gonna skip prague....i know another tradjety just as rome and italy and such but i gotta cut corners......i ahve seen so many cities and they all have great old things and especially prague but i need some norway and sweeden sound like they will offer that....i can use the eurail there and alll is well......aight time to seista somewhere.....PS those were the exact baths i was in....
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