Hannah's Adventure
I transfered to Vietienne - Laos capital. Its more like a small town by my standards to be honest- and as with everywhere else in Laos wonderfully laid back and welcoming. I am staying in a nice guest house which is very comfortable in comparison to som recent others. I arrived at about midday and went off to explre. I have aplan for Vientienne, it has a few places that are focused onm textiles and as you will know this is right up my alley. The first lace I get to is shut- Carol Casidy fabrics it was called so I called the number outside and they said someone would be back by 3, so I went off and found another. The next one sells sliks by the meter and they are beautiful, really lovely amzing colors so I hada good looked round and made some enquiries aout prices and then went for a cooffee to kill time to go back for the other place. WHen I get back they are open as promised and there is a guy called david who is happy to show me around. He is Ethiopean and married to Carol of Carol Cassidy. They are exclusive hand weaving company and the employ 50 people. The silks are beautiful and intricate and so very expensive. He showed me the dying room with all the silks in differetn stages of refinement and the looms and there was 1 lady there weaving so I got to see her work for a while. SHe was working on a pannel fro a russian billionaires sofa and it was going to take her literally months to finish.
The company did all the fabrics for the 4 seasons penthouse in New York and are working on the curtains for the owner of Loius Vitton's study. That project is going to take 4 years!!
Was a brilliant experiance and they were selling a few bits in the shop which were hugely discounted, but still investment peoces. I was reallu lucky to have seen it and was in awe of all the colour. One of my best things os far I think.
Following day I flew from Viettinne to Hanoi Vietnam. This an only be desribed as a real culture shock. Hanoi had been talked up to me as a bit of a challenge. I knew it woud lbe different from Laos, but had no idea just how different. People had warned me to be on my guard and that everyone is out to make money, theft is hight and scams are common. Coming from Laos this hit quite hard and even on the bus from the airport I started to get a bit nervous. Streets are packed with stalls and the traffic is insane. I had some problems with my bank card and I couldn't withdraw money, but I couldn't understand why. This added to the anxiouness and by the time a few friends walked out to find a restaurant I was quite highly strung, hanging on to my bnag for dear life and thought that I was about to be knocked down any minute! I had a couple of local beers at dinner which brought a healthier perspective and was a little moer laid bak on the walk home through the SUnday market which was like a river of people flowing. No chance to stop, or change direction Next morning feeling abit better and got thigs sorted with the bank so I could withdraw cash, I am happily in posession of 1.7 Million Vietnamise Dong. (I ask you who would dsign a curency with so many zeros!) Once i have my cash and passport safely tucked in my money belt I feel much better because as long as you have those 2 things nothing that bad can happen. Went to Ho Chi Minh area and saw his house and other stuff. VIsited the Haoni Hilton which was sombre and quite chilling really- COmpeltely filed with propaganda, the information on the walls was so biased. THe also play communist propaganda on loudspeakers in the streets morning and night. Hung ou tin the city with friends in the afternoon and went ot a water pupet show in the evening which was brilliant. If you ever come to Vietnam you should catch one. Thanks to Ray DObbs for the reccomendation! So here is what I have learnt about Hanoi in the 2 nights I have been here.
The company did all the fabrics for the 4 seasons penthouse in New York and are working on the curtains for the owner of Loius Vitton's study. That project is going to take 4 years!!
Was a brilliant experiance and they were selling a few bits in the shop which were hugely discounted, but still investment peoces. I was reallu lucky to have seen it and was in awe of all the colour. One of my best things os far I think.
Following day I flew from Viettinne to Hanoi Vietnam. This an only be desribed as a real culture shock. Hanoi had been talked up to me as a bit of a challenge. I knew it woud lbe different from Laos, but had no idea just how different. People had warned me to be on my guard and that everyone is out to make money, theft is hight and scams are common. Coming from Laos this hit quite hard and even on the bus from the airport I started to get a bit nervous. Streets are packed with stalls and the traffic is insane. I had some problems with my bank card and I couldn't withdraw money, but I couldn't understand why. This added to the anxiouness and by the time a few friends walked out to find a restaurant I was quite highly strung, hanging on to my bnag for dear life and thought that I was about to be knocked down any minute! I had a couple of local beers at dinner which brought a healthier perspective and was a little moer laid bak on the walk home through the SUnday market which was like a river of people flowing. No chance to stop, or change direction Next morning feeling abit better and got thigs sorted with the bank so I could withdraw cash, I am happily in posession of 1.7 Million Vietnamise Dong. (I ask you who would dsign a curency with so many zeros!) Once i have my cash and passport safely tucked in my money belt I feel much better because as long as you have those 2 things nothing that bad can happen. Went to Ho Chi Minh area and saw his house and other stuff. VIsited the Haoni Hilton which was sombre and quite chilling really- COmpeltely filed with propaganda, the information on the walls was so biased. THe also play communist propaganda on loudspeakers in the streets morning and night. Hung ou tin the city with friends in the afternoon and went ot a water pupet show in the evening which was brilliant. If you ever come to Vietnam you should catch one. Thanks to Ray DObbs for the reccomendation! So here is what I have learnt about Hanoi in the 2 nights I have been here.
- The traffic is so crazy any sane person would be taken aback
- There are too many people and not enough space
- If you stop whilst crossing the road they will probally hit you
- there is simply nothing that cannot be transported on the back of a moped- amilmals trees etc
- YOu can be a millionaire easily, but someone is likey to attempt to pick pocket it from you
- Coffee with condensed milk provides both a caffine and sugar hit wich can be quite heady
- Beer corner provides excellent value
- You will think that you hate this place when you firtst arrive, but you wil fall in love with the crazy and the bustle and you will love it by the time you leave.
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