Fraser family adventure
About Tracy
Time to say "au revoir"
Sitting in the airport in Paris with a couple of plane journeys ahead of us... It's been another big day - this time in Disney - a foggy cool winters day. This also meant the bonus of very small queues and so a day running around trying to get it all seen and done. We've all had an amazing time - better than any o…
Sharing our Christmas 2014-15 adventure!
This year we decided to head to the other side of the world for our Christmas holiday. This is a great opportunity to introduce the kids to their English heritage, to revisit Belgium where Claudia and Riley were born, and in between to visit the marvels of Paris.
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Paris, France
Time to say "au revoir"
Sitting in the airport in Paris with a couple of plane journeys ahead of us... It's been another big day - this time in Disney - a foggy cool winters day. This also me…

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Paris, France

New blog entry posted
Paris, France
Sad to leave... (By us all)
With some sadness we left Brussels today heading to Paris (well Euro Disney... which is not quite the same as Paris). Another successful car journey to take back t…
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New blog entry posted
Ieper, Belgium
Lucky (by Warren)
Today we braved the Belgian traffic (and especially the endless lines of long haul trucks) to visit the WWI battlefields at Ieper (or Ypres). We learned about the incredible …
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fraser-family-adventure Thanks Claire - it's such a shame in such a gorgeous place! Happy new year to you too x
re: Paris, FranceClaire A friend of mine got pick pocketed within hours of being in Paris a few months ago. Stay safe, keep hold of your valuables and have a great trip. Happy new year also xx
re: Paris, Francefraser-family-adventure Judith, so lovely to hear from you! I bet you are getting excited about getting your family all together again soon x
re: London, UK- last visited

- travel plan
- Auckland, New Zealand
- Seoul, South Korea
- London, UK
- Birmingham, UK
- London, UK
- Paris, France
- Brussels, Belgium
- Paris, France
- Seoul, South Korea
- Wellington, New Zealand
claire Have a safe flight back home, hope you all had a great trip.