Cesca's big adventure
We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time
Little Gidding V
T.S. Elliot
Still on British soil....but only two weeks to go before I find myself in Nairobi. My house is nearly empty, my work is far from complete, but I am sure everything will get done though probably only with seconds to spare!!
So, first it's off to Africa where I will visit Kenya and Uganda (the birthplaces of my parents), then I head south through Tanzania, Zanzibar, Malawi, Zambia, Botswana, and South Africa taking in wildlife, beautiful landscape and lots of photo opportunties along the way. Then i'm off on a brief visit to Oz to visit the Blue Mountains, relatives and friends. From there I journey to Thailand, then Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia. I return to Bangkok to fly to Kathmandu, from where I shall journey overland to Lhasa, taking in the monastries and mountains of Tibet. I return to Kathmandu to experience a couple of weeks of Nepalese life before flying through the Indian Himalaya to Dehli (though I may perhaps visit the nuns in Patna first - this being family who run a school for homeless children). I shall journey around Rajasthan for a couple of weeks before heading south for the delights of Goa; more family, beaches and my favourite- the Anjuna market. Finally, i head to Bombay to see Pluto (the friendly family parrot who will undoubtedly sing me happy birthday in his best voice -despite it not being my birthday) and from here I catch my flight back to the UK.
Look forward to sharing many tales with you all. Cesca xxx
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