On est arrive a Bangkok a 9pm le 11 octobre On est presentement a Koasan road (downtown Bangkok) On part pour le Cambodge demain We arrived at Bankkok at 9pm on october 11 We are in Koasan road (downtown) We are leaving for Cambodia tomorrow) Bonjour a tous le monde. On est bien arrive a Bangkok. Pas de probleme tout est super. On est arrive ici a 9pm heure de Thailand. On a notre chambre dans le quartier touristique (rue Khoa San road)Charmant mais tres chaud (28C avec 99% humidite). On prends une biere avec des russes et britanique c'est drole. A bientot On va faire une mise a jour du site bientot France et Rejean xoxoxoxoxo
- comments
ernestob Cool! Hey, you guys are having too much fun, while we all have to work :( Cool pix. So, did you bring enough wine to accompany those adventurous dinners? I am sure you can find good wines out there from Australia and France :) Take care, Ernesto
bonikin wow, incroyable! Je suis jaloux, je voudrais y était! I was there 10 years ago, and LOVED it! Are the massages in the temples still $5.00? I would go back just for that! (and of course my favorite food in the world!) Thanks for sharing, have a great trip! Miss you guys! Love Bonnie
Arnold Becker Enjoy Cambodia Hi RJ and France, Cambodia is the one place that I missed when I went to Thailand and Vietnam. Let us know what it is like and how much you enjoy it. I will send you a link to my photographs of Russia and the Ukraine. You can also search for arnie700 on TravelPod. Hugs to you both, Arnie
rmittermaier Relaxed You guys are already way to relaxed and forgot already time. Your entry from yesterday (Bangkog - Chiang Mai) is labeled November 20. However yesterday was October 20. That's the way to go - forget time and enjoy. Schiisss isch very niisch. Richard