Visit with Choice to the village that they are helping to get school going.
We had to travel in a truck to get there, luckily I sat inside as bouncing around in the back would have done my pain no good at all.
Yes I am still suffering and only wish I knew what it is.
Anyhow after about half hour arrived at the project.
They have come along way since I came in November. Ross the guy that runs it has managed to rent a house and land in the village.
It is a different set up to an Orphanage they go and collect the children from the village. Ones from poor families that can't afford to go to school.
At the moment it's just on Sundays they are split into 3 groups so that not to many in a group. About 20, Then they alternate one lot does a class, of learning, another does drawing then the other group do stories then they all swap around.
Dinner is also given, those kids are hungry I've never seen kids eat so much rice. There is also a soup put on the table to add to rice, kids use the juice but are all only interested in the meat really. Not that there is much in there though. But they don't fight over who gets it.
One little girl even gave her little brother what she had managed to get.
Guess it's there main meal of the week.
Also they are given what looks like a sweet, it's vitamins some of them didnt like it, therefore spat it out.
Since getting the house and land Ross has managed to make classrooms and building toilets, also making living areas for any foreign students that can assist in the teaching.
It's a great project with keeping the kids with there families and yet giving them some kind of learning and stability
The idea is to eventually get the kids going daily.
Another project that would be good to get involved in, but hard to commit to for anytime at the moment.
Kids were returned to there families about 3.30 and we all came back to the city. Good day
Lot of people involved helping out, one guy lost his daughter so went travelling and stumbled on this project so it's been good for him. They have even named the school after her, which is nice.
I still am suffering in pain though, went to bed at 7.30 woke at 6.30 this morning after a restless night.
It's still there this morning little better but I wish I knew what it is that hurts feel like I've been kicked !! But hopefully nothing to worry about.
Time to pack my bag again and get the bus to Takeo.
It's going to be hot there, depending on my pain I will see how long I stay.
Due to leave about the 15 th March otherwise.
- comments
Steph Well done to all those involved in the project and you hon. Please take care of yourself good reading apart from the no sleep and pain lots of love xx