I will start this by saying that the next part is once again written by Debra ( I think the more you read you'll be able to tell which parts are hers and which are mine, she is a fantastic writer and tells a story so eloquently you really FEEL the story... I'm sure you'd agree ) it's so great having her to write much of this blog as it's so time consuming not only writing it but then having to sort through and upload all the photos. With all 3 of us snapping away constantly we have thousands ( well ok maybe hundreds ) of photos each day. I'm hoping once I get home I can spend more time going through them all and uploading even more before turning this into a hard covered book as I have with my other 2 blogs ...... so check back in about a month for heaps more pics!!
For me the flight from Brisbane wasn’t quite the predictable “god is this ever going to end” sardine packed experience….. Instead on BOTH legs I had 4 seats to myself so could stretch out lying down and miraculously actually got some honest to goodness sleep! Now admittedly it was a snatched hour here and a quick 20mins there but given even in my own bed I can only sleep if it’s completely dark and quiet, the temperature is perfect and my covers are totally Goldilocks (not too heavy, not too light etc) and well basically if the stars align and I hold my little finger at the right angle to my ear or whatever this was just amazing! Every now and then I’d walk back to where Liane and Gwendols were to see if they wanted a turn. They were both sitting up as, whilst I’d run like Cathy Freeman at the start line when I heard there were possible multiple spare seats, they were both not that bothered really I think. As it was each time I went back to “check” on them they were sound asleep though Liane was sitting in a slightly different position each time and I found out later that her rest was like mine in terms of it only being in broken bits and pieces….. Gwendoline on the other hand was like a statue and Liane tells me she didn’t move an INCH the entire time….. The girl is some kind of sleep freak - seriously she could sleep lying down, sitting in a chair, standing up, leaning over and well probably suspended upside down from the side of a skyscraper…. I’m totally jealous but let’s face it - it’s kinda weird!
The original 4 hour, now due to the earlier flight 7 hour stopover in Singapore took a number of days to pass by but as I got to do that lying down/rest/sleep on the plane either side I actually didn’t feel too bad by the time we got to London….
Oh as an aside I don’t know if Larn will mention it but in terms of comparison shopping Qantas has it all over British Airways. From the food to the entertainment and everything in between - the food on Qantas I’d actually pay for whereas the British Airways food you really couldn’t pay me to eat….. The Qantas TV and movies made the journey so good I’d have been happy if Singapore was further away whereas the BA ones were like a million years old and really nothing you wanted to watch and made a long trip even longer….. just my opinion but I thought I’d share it!
(L)... which means written by Liane!!) By the time we got to the baggage carousel our luggage was there so we had a quick walk through immigration and as we were walking towards customs I remembered I had a peach in my bag so not wanting to get in trouble ( like you see on those TV customs shows ) and/or possibly fined I threw it away but honestly we just walked out! No customs at all!! There are 3 doors 1) Declaring Goods 2) No Declarations and 3) Returning from EU we pick door number 2 and just sailed through and out into the Arrivals
- comments
Tory Great post -loved the info on the BA vs Qantas -thank you
cafe_travel The short distance Europeans need to travel to go on adventures makes me so envious at times. 30 hours travel just to get to your destination seems crazy doesn't it! But then, life in Australia is beautiful. xx