Every once in a while in this great unknown we call life we end up doing the stupidest things, and even in a more amazing display of stupidity, feel good about it afterwards. Try a 20 mile walk, out of the blue, on a abused body that has seen wayyyy too much alcohol and passive cigarette smoke in the past 2 weeks. That's the experience, as my grandma would put it, that we had to go through.
Well. Not HAVE to, it was our (dumb) decision, but after getting some feeling back to my legs I can honestly say that I was in need of some exercise. The day WAS beautiful, the scenery amazing, and walking through 10 miles of sand on one of the most amazing beaches in the world isn't an experience you soon forget. For example, there were a mind-boggling amount of pink crabs strewn all the way from beginning to end on the sandy, yellow beaches. One of the dogs managed to grab one after 20 minutes of futile trying and managed to get pinched on the nose. After that Mandela refused to play with the crabs anymore.
I'd write more, but you get the picture, it was as fun as it was tiring. We saw a bungalow that costs 1000 dollars a night.
Footloose is tired and hungry, back to you Carson!
Kuukauden Lamuilun jälkeen on aika jatkaa matkaa. Kävely saaren ympäri, muutama dhow-purjehdus, monenmonta illanistujaista kynttilänvalossa tähtitaivaan alla, reissukokemusten jakaminen muiden reissaajien ja paikallisten kanssa, kaksi kissanpentua, kaksi koiranpentua, aasi, mangomadot jalkapohjissa, kaatosateessa kävely lamun keskustassa, hummerien syönti, kookospuut jne jne jne. Suosittelen reissaamista!
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