Arequipa, Peru Jan 16, 2013 Arches, iron gates and towers all calculated to suffocate your breath; Architecture as an instrument of power
Arequipa, Peru Jan 16, 2013 The main square from the inside of the cathedral; Ah, this redeeming feeling to step out again
Arequipa, Peru Jan 16, 2013 Arequipa"s main square. - It's surrounded by these beautiful two-storied arcades on three sides, on fourth it's completed by the cathedral .Arequipa is definitely together with Cusco the most intriguing city in Peru, but all that doesn't help if it's raining, hence I'm leaving.
Iquitos, Peru Jan 15, 2013 Fly away, come fly away with me… if that damn thing would have a functioning engine. I was grounded for the better part of the day. - Whats worse is that my connection flight is in jeopardy.
Nanay, Peru Jan 14, 2013 Eventually we arrived at the village where four families live. The chief was hitting the drums while one of the younger guys was running out of his cottage still tying together his loincloth. Some other family members gathered in the roundhouse to perform the show. The chief gave a little speech and then they started dancing. He and the toothless guy were very much into it, the young guy though struggled with the steps. I couldn't help but think he just left his...