I haven't been feeling great lately so had to take some time off work :( Feeling better now though and its been good to get back to the kids! They're still so amusing...we were teaching the kids 'Old MacDonald had a farm' and a little boy Elia sings 'Oh my gawd I had a farm, e-i-e-i-o. And on that farm he had a dog, e-i-e-i-o. With a 'quack quack' here and a 'quack quack' there...' lol. Teaching the alphabet has been pretty hard for the little ones too. I still held up the letter C the other day and Babongile said 'B is for Apple'! Nooooooo!! lol. They're great though. When I came back, Confidence, one of the older ones, came up to me and said, 'U've been sleeping every day!' aww. Then he said 'I love you'. :) Its gonna be so hard to leave them!
Well anyway, Im just taking some time off at the moment. We had a leaving party on Friday at Cape to Cuba - a cool bar/restaurant, for some of the girls finishing their placements this wknd. And yesterday we did a wine tour around 4 wineries in Stellenbosch - trying over 20 wines!! On no breakfast! lol. It was a beautiful area to visit - lots of Oak trees and thatched houses...don't think I know much more about wine though to be honest! Next week six of us are taking time off work to visit Robben Island, before starting our road trip for five days and taking in the best bits of the famous Garden Route. Looking forward to seeing more of the country!
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