-First blog entry written by Hattie-
Wow! well today we got up early (7:30) and got a quick breakfast at the hotel. Me and the boys smuggled about eight yougurts out of the breakfast room for something to eat on the train to Pisa. After our breakfast we took the 20minute walk to the train station. Our feet already hurt and it was only nine o clock. We got to the station and hopped on a train to Pisa. An hour later we were there. Mom was informed that the tower was only about a ten minute walk from the station so we decided not to get a bus. We were however in somewhat of a hurry because our tickets to climb the tower were booked for eleven and it was already about 10:30. Well what was supposed to be a ten minute walk turned out to be a thirty minute POWER walk. Finally we got to the tower. It was awesome!! ( Ive already been, but it was still cool to see.) We went to the ticket office and left our bags etc. in a locker then headed of to climb the 293 stairs up the tower. When we got to the entrance they told mom she had to put her little bag in the locker to... poor Alex had to sprint back to the lockers... and back again... and back again because he forgot the ticket to say it was our locker. Finally, we headed up the leaning tower. Us you were walking up the slippery steps you could definitely feel yourself leaning! we got halfway up very out of breathe and then ten minutes later conituned up.. Mom at this point was extremely scared and told us she would meet us at the top. We ran up the step got to the top waited for about ten minutes and still no mom. About five minutes later we saw her and her VERY pale face reach the top of the tower. Frozen with fear we walked over to her and had to escort her back down the steps. The boys and I loved the tower it was awesome 10/10. Mom gave the tower a 7/10 because she didnt like the height and safety side of things. we had a nice lunch in Pisa and these amazing gelatos which I thought were 2 euros 30 (it said this inside) but ended up being 4 euros 50. OOPS!!! my mistake.. We werent to bothered because they tasted great. After a long hot day we walked back to the train station in Pisa and got on a train back to Firenze (Florence). We then walked back to the hotel and rested!
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