Thanks Suz and Jo - on the countdown to home now. Supposed to be 36 degrees today - going to be hot!
Hi Hayley
I hope you are having a great holiday. I like your kilt.
I miss you a lot Hayley. from Asia
Suzanne Light
Hi guys - looks like you have been having a fab time, love the photos - your Mum looks really relaxed! Safe travels and enjoy your time. Spring lambs are starting to arrive, something to look forward to upon your return to sunny Christchurch! - Best wishes - Comlightyns - that Scottish for Comyns and English for Light
Hi hayley
Jo Easterbrook
Hi Small Family!
You Blog is great and so nice to see all you photo's. What a great time you are having. Happy belated birthday Lauren!
Love JO x
Hi My Rocking BFF Holly
I miss you soooooo much!
I'm sorry to say that we won't be home for 2 weeks
Hi Liz, good to hear from you! We are looking forward to catching up. We only have one day in Peterborough with Chris and Sinclair so would like to keep it for them. We haven't seen them since 2009 so have a lot to catch up on! Hope that is ok. We will see you in Scotland! Love Fiona xx
Hi Susan, it seems we might be missing a few messages as Antoinette said she had sent others too...John says ChCh has been pretty cold too. He leaves today for Scotland. Lots of love afiona
Susan Iversen
Hi Fiona, Did you get my last message? Sunday?
Anyway great to see what you are up to. Looks like lots of fun. We are keeping cosy here, has been very frosty. Take care.
Lots of love
Hi Hayley and Lauren
Your blog looks great!
Awesome photos
Looks like your having a great time
And can't wait to see you in person
Talk soon
hi lauren
where are u going to now
happy belated birthday miss u
when u coming home
from your rocking bff holly
Liz Lawson
Hi Fiona
Belated Happy 10th Birthday Lauren
I hear you are flying into Stansted - on July 13th on route to Peterborough
We are not far from Stansted - 30 minutes away - could be meet up?
We could drive you to Peterborough if that might help
Will see you at Ballochruin anyway but this would give us a heads up and chance to catch up
Love Liz