Hello Everyone
Haven't ventured too far at this stage. Having a lovely time in Tasmania hanging out with family & friends. Thought it was a good opportunity to test out the website and get a bit of practice in as time will be money when I'm travelling and updating my site in internet cafes etc. Haven't worked out how to upload photos yet (mainly because I haven't worked out how to download photos from my camera but will work that out before I go) and so the ones that you can currently see are from the photo gallery. Lots of eating and drinking has been accomplished over the last few days and I have also caught up with a couple of Melbourne friends while I have been here which has been lots of fun.
If anyone does not wish to receive emails with my travel entries or would prefer me to use an alternate email address then please email me at [email protected] or you can leave me a message on my message board. If you are bored at work then leave me a message so I can see how it all looks.
Fi xoxo
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