Hey Fiona,
Mexico looks amazing I love the sun setting. It looks like a amazing place to spend some time. Hopefully I can go there when I am older.
Lots of love
Alex xxxx
Sandy Elliott
Dear Fiona, all your planning and weeks of spare time work to earn the cash to finance your trip is paying dividends now. Glorious weather and scenery and fun with boats. Keep it up. Our love goes with this message Pa XXX
Susannah Connell
Hi Fiona,
Long time since we last saw you. It looks as though you are having so much fun.
Loving your blog and photos. Keep them coming.
Take care and lots of love
Susannah and Jon
Alison Elliott
I am incredibly jealous of your adventure!
It all looks/sounds absolutely fantastic - I'll need to come and visit when your back and hear all about it (over margaritas? I think so!)
Sending you all my love,
Your cousin,
Pete Moody
Hello my lovely girl. Great to Skype with you on saturday. Loving the blog. First step into a great literary career. Keep it up.