Greetings from Lima.
We finally arrived at our hostel around 4.30 this afternoon after leaving our hostel in Antigua at 2am. After three flights (touching down for 20 minutes in Managua, Nicaragua and changing planes in Panama City) and quite a long, expensive taxi ride we made it to the affluent district of Miraflores which has all of the luxuries we're used to at home (Mcdonalds, burger king, kfc, pizza hut etc)! Tomorrow we meet up with our travelling companions for the next forty days and get a chance to explore the city properly before heading off to drink Pisco sours in the city that gives them their name!
We spent our last few days in Guatemala just relaxing in Antigua apart from Monday when we trecked up Volcan Pacaya which is an active Volcano close to Guatemala City. We got to stand next to some rivers of lava (but not too close because the heat was enough to burn your face).
Hope everything is ok with you all and we shall post more news when our South American journey gets into full swing.
Tom & Fiona
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