Miss you already! Hope Quito is welcoming and good luck with the Spanish - and remember to SPEAK SLOWLY AND LOUDLY !
Spack, let us know when you get there! M&D and I are worried that you will have slept in and missed your next flight... would you?!? Remember the phrase - no hablo mucho espanol! that should see you through for the next few days until you start the school! Take care honey, love youxxx (and Simon K, you are very cheeky!)
Hope you sorted out your flight problems... Will keep you up to date on all the gossip while you are gone! Enjoy yourself and take care. love mark xx
Hi mate sorry to hear about your airplane nightmares, im writing this at airport with a cancelled flight. we will all miss you, hope you have an amazing time. ps. (cheeky but....) bristol crew march 11th & 12th bar unlimited glos road, selecta radio live weekender... DjDemonD/Si Khoury
Hey Spack, I LOVE YOU, what am i gonna do without my big sis? Be careful and have fun xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Daddy Fielding
Just can't seem to get rid of her and you should see the junk she is leaving us with - but at least we get to play with her Mini for a few weeks!!