Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
It's already been six months that I have left the states to take on Germany and its amazing how fast those months have flown by. I am finally settled down and have a nice single room flat in the heart of Nurnberg, a new ride, and have taken up new euro sports to stay active. Moving to a new country and starting from scratch has not been quite challenging which has stretched me to new limits and I feel that I have grown quite a bit. Germany has so much history and the people are really friendly once you get to know them.
My training-ship at adidas has been enlightening! I have already made one rotation and finishing up my second rotation. I have seen now the product management and communications and my projects were amazing. The results were better than I expected and have been noticed by upper management. The great news that you will be able to see my products I worked directly on in a half year! Sadly I can't tell you what just yet but once they are out, I will let you know which products they are. Right now in the Comm's department I a project that I am really proud of in Runner's World magazine. My skills are growing by the adidas style "trial by fire". Much different from how you learn from college classes. I have 4 more rotations to come in the next year and am excited to learn new skills and areas as I progress up and down the Marketing process.
Working for a sports company is quite challenging because fitness is a big part of the company. My bosses are twice my age yet fitter than I which motivates me to stay in shape. I have lost weight by the proven diet plan of necessity. It the great program of trying to get off work and home before 8 because all business close. Normally that has been quite hard to do which means making food stretch the week because I can buy on the weekend. Not a suggested diet. I have also decided to dive into my new Europe culture and took up the sport of Handball. It's not like the sport we are used to in the states since it's a team sport with 7 on 7 in a gym arena. It's a mix of basketball, lacrosse, volleyball, and soccer. What makes it a great sport is that its constant running and there is contact! I found a team TSV 1846 Nurnberg that has offered to teach me the sport and compete in games.
My brother and parents both visited me here in Germany. It was great to see them because when they came I was having bad cases of homesickness. Steven came for oktoberfest this year which was very crazy. I must say that the only words that can really describe the event is amazing, surprising and curious. I'm not sure that the event really shows true german culture and its quite expensive but all in all it was a great time. It was great to have him in Europe and I hope I can get him back out here next Oktoberfest.
Mom and Dad came over on a European tour much like I did last year this time. I was able to take off of work early and met them in Venice Italy. Only was able to spend one day with them but it was well worth the traveling to see them again. Sadly unpredicted length of startup costs I couldn't afford a ticket home this year for Christmas so it was great to at least see my family over here.
I also met up with my good friend Elyssa and her family here in Europe. I traveled back to Italy to catch up with them for the weekend. Elyssa and I met back freshman year in college and have been great friends. It was great to reminisce about the past years and I would never have predicted when I first met her we would be chilling in Italy almost 6 years later!
Christmas and New Years I have found myself still in Europe. Till, my buddy from Aarhus who lives in Berlin, invited me to spend the holidays with him and his family. It has been great holiday season learning more about German culture and language. Sadly my German language is not that great but it is improving. Christmas dinner and caroling was awesome with his two other brothers (Sven aka BOBO, and Jenz) and his sister (Lisa). Jenz is off to Australia for a year to master English and get international hotel experience as he hopes to be a manager of 5 star hotels and has a great resume. BOBO (named because as a baby Jenz couldn't say baby. It just stuck) is finishing up his schooling (equivalent to HS) and Lisa is spending a year in the UK in an internship with Mercedes.
It's quite amazing how much these guys party during the holiday season and it's the culture here. We have been out at the clubs for Christmas day, Boxing Day, and several others. New years we are hitting up an old cinema that is now a disco club and we have VIP tickets. It looks to be a great new years!
I hope that reflecting on this past year that you have made all your goals and wishes come true. Best wishes to your goals for next year and I hope 2008 is your best year ever! I miss you all and would love to hear from you.
Happy Holidays and Happy New Years!
Dan O
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