Well hello there everybody!
So, it has been two weeks since I last wrote, and only 24hours until I am home! How time really does fly when you're having fun!
Let's fill you all in I left Phenom Penh, and moved on to Siem Reap in Cambodia. That's where Angkor Watt is, along with other temples, of which you buy a day pass in order to visit them. Very impressive stuff, but after the first couple they are mainly just sites of ruins and a lot of "reconstruction", so not a lot of difference between them! Obviously, that excludes Angkor Watt itself which is humungous. Although the scaffolding on the front did marr the photos somewhat!
So after a couple of days there, it was time to head to Bangkok to catch my flight to Beijing. I only spent a week in Cambodia in all, but to be honest, that was more than enough for me. All the history and the temples were amazing, but other than that, the country itself just didn't grab me at all, so I was glad to move on out of there after that.
It was only a short flight over to Beijing, where I landed in the afternoon and made my way to the hostel. I met a Canadian girl, Julie, who I have spent my time here with which has been really good. We spent the first few days site seeing, seeing The Summer Palace and doing a hike on the Great Wall of China. That was pretty cool. Tough at times as the steps are very steep, but still a pretty amazing experience nonetheless. On Friday, Julie and I then got an overnight train to Xi'an, which is where the Terracotta Army is. We spent a day there, seeing the warriors, which are impressive when you think about it. There are thousands and thousands, all handmade and were originally hand painted too. It is believed that they were built to protect the Emperor in his afterlife underground. So after a morning there and an afternoon shopping on the market, it was time for another overnight train back to Beijing. We then spent yesterday just chilling out watching films (the classic Titanic came out!) and had a relatively early night. Julie then left first thing this morning for a flight, and I spent the afternoon at the Forbidden City. I purposely left it until today as I knew I'd have a day by myself with nothing to do!
So now, I am back at the hostel killing time (as I am super organised and already all packed up!) ready to get up bright and early tomorrow to catch my flight back to the UK!
I shall report in when I am back safe and sound at home and then I guess that will be it for my blog!
I look forward to seeing everyone on my return x
- comments
Auntie Ann I hope you have a good journey home.
Philippa Have a safe journey home hun, looking forward to seeing you Friday. Love Auntie P x