Hello! Well I am now in Melbourne! But first, I will update you on my time in Sydney!
On my first day I took a ferry around the harbour and got some great views of the bridge and the opera house! On my second night I went out for a few drinks with some people from the hostel. We went to a popular backpackers bar where they race crabs?! My crab did not even come close to winning unfortunately! The next day I met a few of the same people for lunch and then I headed to Bondi, which even though was really cold was still pretty! In the evening I went to watch Hamlet at the Opera House which was good! It was in the smaller drama theatre and not in the main opera hall but it was still amazing to go and see something there, and the actual Shakespeare play was good! There was a sword fight in it which I have not seen before at a Shakespeare play!
On the third day I changed hostels to a different area of town which I really liked, its called Newtown and it is the student area of sydney so there are loads of really cool bars and cafes and shops etc. On the next day I took a ferry to Manly which takes about half an hour. Manly is a sort of Island just about connected to the mainland, but with amazing beaches. I had fish and chips on the beach but they were definitely not as good as at home!
I have been in Melbourne since saturday and I have had a great time, even though it is even colder than Sydney! On sunday I just got to know my way around the city a bit and then yesterday I went on a walking tour run by the hostel which was cool as it showed alot of things that I would have missed! In the evening three of us from the hostel went out to some of the bars mentioned on the tour! There is a bar that does a food promotion, whereby you pay for your meal by whatever time it is, so we went when it started at six and got a meal for six dollars! We went to one bar that is on a roof top with no sign at all! It was great though even though it was cold as there were outdoor heaters on the roof top terrace and you could get fluffy blankets and i think even hot water bottles if you want! We ordered a hot cocktail that came in a tea pot with a pink knitted tea cosy and that you drank out cups!
This morning I went to Ramsey Steet, which is actually very small! We also went to the school that is in the show and we even got to see some of the sets! We got to meet a character from the show and get autographs etc. This afternoon my friend Jenny and I went to have a look around Queen Vic Market which was fun.
Tomorrow I am going to Phillip Island on a tour to see the Penguins which are quite famous around here! There is also a Koala Sanctuary on the Island, which I am looking forward to! I then have one more day here on thursday and I think I will head to St Kilda which is near the beach abd supposed to be nice.
On Friday I am leaving Melbourne and I am flying to Cairns on the East Coast. I am booked on a boat to go sailing and snorkelling around the Whitsundays for a couple of days. Its also whale season so if I get time I may try and go and see them as welll!
Thats it for now! I need an early night after my early start for the neighbours tour!
Take care,
Love Fi.x
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