Tankte beratta lite kort om mitt besok till den heliga staden Varanasi. Ni har sakert sett massa bilder fran Varanasi utan att ni vetat om det. Det ar har de branner de doda och skickar ut de langs floden Ganges. De badar och tvattar sig i denna flod ocksa. De star langst ghats (massa trappor) och tvattar sig och lite langre bort badar sig alla buffalos. Det ar en intressant syn... Hit kommer Indier for att rena sig fran sina synder genom att ta ett dopp i denna flod. Det sags ocksa att Varanasi ar Indiens aldsta stad idag som fortfarande existerar.
Av de stader jag besokt i Indien sa trivdes jag bast i Varanasi, det ar en lite lugnare stad och inte lika hektisk som de andra jag besokt. Man ser mycket religost folk vart man an gar. Jag besokte nagra av dessa ghats och fick se nagra olika cermonier vilket va valdigt intressant.
Jag hann aven med att besoka ett omrade fullt med olika Buddhistiska tempel fran massa olika lander, beroende fran vilket land templet kom ifran sa hade det de typiska sardragen fran det landet. Det japanska va defenitivt det mest intressanta.
Nu har jag lamnat Indien och ar i Nepal. Ska beratta om min resa hit nasta gang. Imorgon drar jag ivag pa en 3-dagars trekking tur uppe i Nepals berg. Berattar om allt detta nar jag ar tillbaka!
Halsningar till alla! CAO
I'm gonna tell you shortly about my visit to the holy city of Varanasi. You have probably already seen a lot of picture from this place without knowing it. It is here where the Indians come to wash away their sins and to get cremated on the shore of the river Ganges and then sent out on it...
People meet here also to wash them selfs, take a bath and just spend time together on the Ghats (steps down to the river Ganges). It's a interesting view to see people swim in the water where buffaloes take their bath and peoples ashes are spread...
It's also said that Varanasi is India's oldest city that still exists.
Of the citys I've visited in India I find Varanasi the best. It's a more calm place and you can see a lot of religious people here. I visited a couple of ghats and had the chance to see some ceremonies which was very interesting.
I also visited a region in the city which is full of Buddhist temples from different country's. I think the Japanese temple was the best looking one.
I have now left India and I'm in Nepal. I will tell you about my journey to here next time I write. Tomorrow I will go for 3-day trekking in the mountens. I tell you all about it next time!
Take care! CAO
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