Vill bara beratta kort om korta tid i Xian. Jag gillade verkligen staden, en blandning av gamla Kina med inslag av moderna Kina pa gott och ont. Xian va slutdestinationen pa "silk road" som kopplade samman asien med europa, det ar en gammal huvudstad. Centrala Xian som ocksa ar gamla Xian ar an idag skyddat av en mur som ar an idag helt intakt.
Forsta dagen spenderade jag vandrandes pa denna 13km langa mur som gar runt staden. Riktigt fridfullt och avslappnande, det skadade inte heller med att ha +20 grader. Jag vandrade bara langs halva muren, jag ar ju pa semester trots allt och inte pa forsasongstraning :)
Efter vandringen fortsatte jag med lite mer vandring av centrala Xian som bestod av butiker som Rolex, LV, Gucci m.m... Jag vet inte hur de butikerna overlever eftersom utanfor Rolex butiken star det alltid nan snubbe som saljer dig en "Rolex" for 1% av butikspriset :)
Nar jag tagit mig igenom shopping gatan kom jag till ett omrade som kallas "muslim quarter" och dar kopte jag mig lite gott pita brod som jag at pa medans jag vandrade runt pa gatorna dar.
Andra dagen va en riktigt rolig dag! Det borjade med att jag besokte den varldsberomda Terracotta armen. Jag kom dit och forvantade mig en massa leksaks soldater men detta va skulpterade soldater i verkliga proprtioner! De ar lika stora som dig och mig! Helt otroligt va det! Det ar en enorm yta de tacker ocksa! De har gravt fram tre hal med soldater i och utgravningarna ar langt ifran klara. Det mest fantastiska va att de gravt fram soldater som fortfarande hade farg kvar och alla bronsvapen de gravt fram ar helt otroligt. Allt ar gjort in i minsta detalj! Helt otrolig upplevelse va detta!
Pa kvallen hade jag tur och fick chansen att traffa nagra vanner jag forst traffade i Beijing. Spenderade kvallen med de och missade mitt tag mot Beijing nastan :)
Halsningar till Max, Sarah och Sally! :)
Tack for alla halsningar och mail jag fatt! Det varmer alltid! Jag har skickat tillbaka mejl men verkar som att de inte gar fram. For att besvara en fraga jag fatt, "Har du lart dig att ata med chopsticks (pinnar) an?
Mitt svar ar att jag ater med chopsticks men jag kan inte saga att jag har lart mig att ata med de :)
Hors snart igen! CAO
Hi everyone!
Just want to tell you a short version of my time in Xian. I really liked the city, a mixture of old and new China for good or bad I guess. Xian was the last stop on the famous "Silk road" that connected asia and europe. It's an old capitol city and was an playground for businessman and royalties in old China. Xian today still has a big wall surounding and protecting central Xian wich is the old Xian and the wall is still intact.
My first day a walked this 13km long wall. It was very pleasent and peaceful and that we had sunny weather and +20 degress didn't make it worse. I just walked around half of the wall, I'm not on pre-season training :)
After that I continude with some more walking of central Xian. I visited the main shopping street with stores like Rolex, LV, Gucci... I don't understand how these stores survive becouse there is no problem to find these products on the streets for a 1/10 of the original price... After the shopping area I got to a place called "muslim quarter" and there I bought myself some nice pita bread to eat while I was walking the streets...
The second day was a really good day! I started with visiting the world famous Teracotta Army. I arrived there and was expecting small toy soldiars but the Teracotta warriors a sculptured in real size! They are as big as you and me! Just AMAZING! They cover a huge area as well, they have found 3 pits with soldiars so far and the work is far from done. The most amazing thing was that they have found soilders with paint still on them and nice shining bronze swords as well. Every sculpture is done in such perfection that it's just amazing to vitness. his was a great experience!
In the evning a was lucky to meet up with some friends I met in Beijing first. It was great fun to see them again, spend the evning with them and almost misst my train to Beijing :)
BIG F says HELLO to Max, Sally and Sarah!!! HOLA
Thank you all for your emails!!! Means alot to me :)
I'm gonna answer a question I got. "Have you learned to eat with chopsticks yet?"
The answer is that I eat with chopsticks but I wouldn't say that I have learned but the food reaches the mouth somehow :)
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