Hi everyone,
I'm so sorry for being so bad at keeping you all updated! I feel like I've been constantly on the move for the last few weeks! Last time I wrote my blog I was just about to leave surfers paradise so I'll pick up where I left off.
We arrived in Brisbane on Good Friday prepared to spend a weekend out partying much like we would if we were at such luck as the bars are either closed or have to shut early as its bank holiday. This was a shame as we had our party heads on but our clever hostel had figured out a way round the law-as long as they served you a meal every three hours they could serve alcohol. So that night I had 2 dinners at 6pm and 9pm which would get me a wristband to be able to drink in the allocated times-hassle but worth it! I had no problems polishing off two dinners!! A girl Sj met in NZ met us on the Saturday which was good. Our time in Brisbane was largely focussed around one thing-Krispy Kremes. Sj has decided that she wants to do the Krispy Kreme challe (to complete the loyalty card so she gets a box of free doughnuts at the end. This means eatting 32 doughnuts). What we didnt realise when she took the challe was that there are only two places on our travels which have Krispy Kreme shops-Brisbane and Sydney (our final stop before home) which meant she had to eat 16 krispy kremes in the 4 days we were in Brisbane. I dont know how she did it but she did!! Amongst the krispy kreme chaos we managed to fit in time to do a boat cruise down the river, visit the botanical gardens, laze by the lagoon (why oh why can't Cambridge have one of these?!) and look round the shops.
Our next stop after Brisbane was Noosa. The main reason we decided to stop here was to go to Steve Irwins zoo. We weren't disappointed and had a fantastic day out. I'm sure most of you have seen the photos on facebook. It was Jonny's birthday whilst we were staying here so the following day was spent at the beach before heading back to skype so I could watch him open his presents-I am now the winner of the best girlfriend award for buying him an x box :) I think its slightly made up for me not being there! Me and Sj decided to celebrate Jonnys birthday by going out. Unfortunately after drinking a litre of vodka whilst getting ready, we were in no state to go out! Noosa was beautiful but very small and the following day with horrific hangovers we made our way on a horribly early bus to Rainbow beach. This is one of the main gateways to get to Fraser and we soon discovered that we were the only people not there for that reason. The town has a population of 1100 and there's not much to see-day at the beach it is then!! :)
The next stop for us a few days later was at Hervey Bay. We were very very excitable as we got off the bus and got to our hostel as this was the stop we had been waiting for as it was our gateway to FRASER ISLAND!!! woooo!!
Wow. Fraser Island was amazing. We arrived bright and early and were greeted by our wonderful tour guide for the next three days, Damo. There were about 25 other people in our group and it was an amazing group. We made some fantastic friends whilst seeing the sights during the day and partying hard at night. Unfortunately, the weather wasn't fantastic and it rained on our second and third day. Me and Sj decided that this would not get the better of us though, and we braved the wind and rain to get off the bus and still see the sights. We were in the "champagne pools" with the rain and hail hammering down on us! It was in Fraser Island that I found my favourite beauty spot-Lake MaKenzie-it's truely beautiful. We left Fraser Island with phone numbers and promises to meet again and it wasn't long before the first reunion happened!
Our next stop was Airlie Beach. We had to get an overnight coach there and it wasn't the best experience we've had so far! We checked into our hostel where we had a voucher to get a twin room. Well it wasn't really a twin-more a bunk bed in a box-hardly even enough room to move round the bed! We only stayed there two nights before moving hostels. Our next hostel was lovely. We spent our first few days in Airlie chilling at the lagoon and not doing a lot. We met some people from Fraser Island for drinks which was good. Its at Airlie Beach where you go sailing to the Whitsundays and me and Sj were booked onto a two day two night trip. The weather hadn't been great the day before and when we woke up on the day of the trip we knew it wasn't going to be great again-not good when we were about to be out at sea! I don't really have much to say about this trip other than it being so awful it still makes me shiver to think about it. The weather was bad, the boat we were supposed to be was broken so we were put on another one, our beds were wet as the boat leaked so we spent the whole time, wet miserable and tired. I did manage to make myself get in the sea and go snorkelling though which was a real achievement. We were glad to be on dryish land with clean dry beds and a hot shower!
We spent a few more days in Airlie with rubbish weather so we were glad to be leaving in hope of sunshine at our next destination!
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