Hi guys,
So I'm here in sunny sydney!! Yay! It took long enough to get here...longest journey of my life, not one I'm looking forward to repeating! So I left Heathrow on Monday night and had an 11 hour flight to Kuala Lumpur where I had a 26 hour stop over. I'd booked into a hotel which I'm very thankful for as a bed and shower was much appriciated by this point.
I got into Sydney Thursday morning (Weds night UK time) and made my way to the hostel where Sj was waiting for me :) It was sooo good to see her again after all this time! We had a bit of a catch up and went for lunch then had a bit of a wander around the city. I was shattered but managed to stay awake until the evening....well 9pm.
The next day we went exploring and seeing the sights on a bus tour of the city, seeing the opera house and the bridge for real was amazing! We walked through the royal botanical gardens which was beautiful apart from the hundreds of bats in the trees screaching at us...
The next day...which I think was Saturday....we woke up to lovely blue skies and decided to go to Bondi beach. It is one of the most beautiful beaches I have every seen-I even went in the sea-twice!! This is a huge deal as I am not a fan of the sea at all but it was just sooooo hot and there were no fish about that could nibble me :) Me and Sj spent ages wave jumping which was really fun so I think I'll give the sea a go again :)
We met up with Kerry and Dave at the beach, a couple that Sj met in Fiji. They're both lovely and we arranged to go out with them for dinner and drinks that night which was great....apart from me having lots of random burnt bits from our day in the sun...not good.
So today I've had to stay out of the sun :( Probably a good thing though as we got to have a rest day...we were both knackered...and thats what sundays are for. I've just got back from having dinner at darling harbour which is beautiful-there's the worlds biggest Imax cinema down there so we're hoping to go and see Alice in Wonderland on Tuesday night there :D
I'm in Sydney until Wednesday and then we're heading down to Melbourne for a few days before coming back up again and following the sun up the east coast. Will catch up with you all again in Mebourne I expect
Lots of love
Faye xxx
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