Day 16 - New Orleans
I had a lazy morning before heading out on the city tour!
On the tour we first went to the French Quarter! I loved it and she showed us a Shotgun house where all the windows and doors lineup! We then went out of town to a cementry, where there are all tombs, due to the amount of water in the earth all bodies are in the tombs for 1 year and 1 day before there remains are put in the pit of the tomb!! All funerals get police escorts no matter who you are!!!
Next stop was to see the remaining devastation of Hurricane Katrina, alot of houses were just left and the government don't do anything about them until they collapse and then they bulldoze them!! We then headed to the Garden District where the houses are amazing and very beautiful!!
After the tour I had a quick change and then on to a cocktail tour through the French Quarter!! Now this is my sort of tour! Sandi our guide was fantastic and for a night we were true Ceroles!! Living for the moment and drinking for it too!! Bourbon mojitios my favourite!!!
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