We have just been looking at your latest photos, the murals in Mexico were magnificant and the scenery in your Carretera Austral ones are amazing.
Last weekend we all, (us 2 and the 3 boys) all called in for coffee at your dads house before we went to a 50 year celebration of the East Markham gazette at the village hall.
Love from us all
Jean,Sarah and family xxx
Jean And Jerome
Hi Ruth, It seems like a never ending adventure with so many wonderful expierances. The faces on the carvings were great to see and the picture of you at the SCUBA looked like you were 20 again. Life in South America seems to rearly agree with you. Love from us both and don't stop! Jean and Jerome xxx
Lova the Guate pics, what a cool country ay? Really like the cemetry pic.- Cant wait to see you and catch up :-)
Hi Ruth,
Wow just been looking at some of your photos, it looks fantastic. Nice to see the ones with your dad, he doesnt look any different from when we were little.
Well we are all fine, mum came over tonight for tea at Steff and Sues, she is off to Cornwall for 2 weeks with Ron.
Anyway great to see photos and read about your travels, continue having a great time and take care.
With love
Sarah xxx
Hola Ruth,
Sorry its been so long since my last message!! Really good to see all your photos and it looks like you are having a ball.
I read your last email out to Chris, Jill and Colin in our garden last Saturday afternoon after a few drinks and I'm sure the neighbours also enjoyed the update. You never know you may get some strange messages on this board as a result!
I know Jill is intending to send you some photos from our last cruise soon - should give you a laugh!!
Sheila x x
Dear Ruth
I am delighted to read your message and see the pictures of you both on face book. Your Dad looks like he is having a good time even if he can not enjoy your pleasures every time. I will go and see him now that he is back and hear his story!
Thank you for the postcard and we all look forward to sharing your next adventure.
Much Love Jean xxx
Amazing pic's of what looks like a fabulous country with such friendly faces. Enjoy and keep safe. Jerome and Sandie xx
Hola Ruth.
Que bueno escuchar noticias de ti. Que chevere tener su padre como companero de viaje. Como es posible que el no le gusta la tour de Cuenca? Siga intentando. Tenemos fiebre de viajes despues de ver tus fotos. Vamos por Bonaire en 12 dias. Espero verte antes de nuestra salida. Adios amiga, Laurie
Jill Turner
Hi Ruth,
Happy New Year to you i hope your adventure to Bolivia was enjoyable.
Not much has been happening in our part of the world i am afraid just the nornal christmas with lots to eat and of course drink. We spent New Year at the Kingscliffe at Holland-on-Sea with Sheila & Colin and Julie & Ted it was a good night with excellent food and once again plenty to drink.
My mum had a fall this week which meant i spent all day at the hospital with her being checked out, she seems to be ok thank god, she cut her head and now has the most awaful bruise to the back of her neck and side of her face she had a CT scan but everything seems ok.
Chris is off to golf tomorrow i am back at work pretty boring really. Oh well Happy New Year again Ruth look forward to seeing more pic's
Love Jill and Chris xx
Hi Ruth, cant remember the last time I saw you with black hair.! The photos were lovely - look forward to the next batch. Glad all is going well despite the minor mishaps, tremor, stolen property - cant compete with that - England getting knocked out of the qualifiers was about as tough as it gets here at the moment. You take care, lots of love Cxx
Hi Ruth,
Fantastic to hear from you!!
Well this is a first for me never posted anything on the net before!! Pretty sad really considering your new experience was an earth quake. Sounds like you having a fantastic time and reading your emails keeps those of us in here thanking our lucky stars for comfortable beds and temperate weather.
I cannot wait to hear how you will be spending Xmas and the New Year as I expect it will put our usual beer and gin fest in Holland-on-Sea to shame.
Must share a first with you. Last week Jim sent Chris an email that both shocked and frightened him. Couldn't get it off his screen quick enough!! I will leave the rest to your imagination.
And finally something else for you to imagine and make you chuckle......... Colin doing a run for charity along Leigh on Sea high street dressed as Santa!!!!!! And on a Friday night when he should be in the pub! Can't wait to see that.
Glad you are having a great time and looking forward to your next update - take care!!
Love Sheila x x x
Ah ha we'ver found you on planet earth! Well it's faster than the UK Royal no-mail! The photo's look fab, keep them coming, the 'farmers market' looks a specticle. Sharon often recalls the romantic moment with an octopus tenticle was swinging from my mouth in an Italian restrant, so Ruth enjoy the fab food, at least it's organic! I'm going to persuade shazzer to do a build it with shazzer blog, so all can share those dusty moments! Soon I'll be getting her to mould her own bricks!
Have a fab time and keep up writing those cronicles...it's history in the makin' and enjoy every moment. Be groovy al x
Great pictures, great adventure, fab person, keep the information coming! Lov shaz