This is as previosuly stated my last blog for a little over a month due to my ventures into China. Before I ''dive'' into the blog i'd just like to point out some rather hilarious and unacceptable inacurracies in the geography shown in The Hangover part 2(in part for anyone who has seen the film for minor research about traveling through Thailand).
without spoiling for those who haven't seen it ever or aren't intersted. the comedy showcases a scene where the protagonsists are in Krabi on the west side of Thailand and in a space of nightime(a few hour)s they wind up in Bangkok and doe the reverse trip towrads the ending of the third act- such a trip in fact takes 48 hours and involves extra petrol and a stop at Singapore. Another scene features a tattoo artists staing that Chang mai monestry is ''only outisde'' the city and the protagonsist make it there in very little time,when Changmai is infact over 900 kilometres from Bangkok(1 hour plane journey/3-4 hour drive). while as a film buff these errors are justified by the directors' intentions for quick pacing to keep the film's story moving to keep to a shorter running time and the circumstances of the plot it is yet laughable and ridiculus after being in Thailand for 3 months and spending some time in Bangkok.
Bby the time I write this it has been a quick but amazing week in Cambodia living with Eric in Siem Reap and have completed a literal Temple Run around 18 temples in over 4 days(including the amazing Ankor Wat) the pricinging to enter the ankor temples were 40 usd for s 3 day pass and 60 for a week pass, due to time constraints i took the 3 day option as some temples were outside the area. Whilst enjoying the sights and taking in the humid heat i was also using a recently purchased Gopro camera by Eric to film the temples of a potential promo to be used for a charity project he has been working on(i wont say anymore as it is still early days but google Eric Tan Cambodia Images to learn more). One such temple we shot at was also the very same cambodian temple used in the early 21st centuary videogame adaptation/action film Lara Croft Tomb Raider for a few scenes. I sometimes was often filming very long takes whilst on a high speeding motorbike capturing everything that crossed our paths as we zoomed around between temples, this proved challenging against the wind and the fact the camera had no screen to watch the footage). There were also evenings to eat with the local poor vilagers, a fascinating and true backpacker experience that i enjoyed and was treated to large portions of chicken and rice every nigth to my delight and uneasiness(due in part to having gained weight from too much rice at two portion a day for nearly a week, which would be too overated to ''digest'').
I also had the chance to take on the iconic stranger in a stange land aspect which had it's drawbacks to the point where never had the idiom ''lost in translation'' been used more effectivly during at evening on Eric's rooftop bar where two cambodia girls where trying to hit on me and couldn't speak much english as i couldn't speak much cambodian and based on gestures and a hunch they were competing for me to say who i liked better and were even cuddling up to me where i'd barely said a word that evening and wasn't even drunk yet.......awkward turtle moment wasn't much of a help either in that scenario.
At the times when i attempted to sp[eak Cambodian around Eric and his Cambodian friends they all laughed which was wacording to Eric the fact that ''they don't often see a white boy speaking in cambodian and find it funny) that message kind of stuck for a week and the term white boy put it that way. for two eeveings i had a fot massage in the night MARKETS AND DURING ONE IT WAS DISCOVERED THAT MY FOOT WAS STILL SWOLLEN FROM THE INFECTION. thus although paniked they kindly pointed me in the right direction for medicine to help.
the cheapness of Cambodia has been a real eye opener in cases where a can of beer was only 1 dollar, vodka was only 9 dollars and suorisingly only 5 dollars to recover lost pictures from one of my sd cards. my Fujifilm camera that had served me four months had upt to this point been technically failing with no zoom and bad power through it;s battery. so for a bargained 80 usd replaced the camera. my bargaining skills extendied to a market area where in one instance i managed to decrease a 7 dollar object to only 4 usd which is something i probably coukdn't have done in Thailand. Outside filming in the tempels Eric and i also filmed the night markets through Pub street(no pun or joke).
from walking around siem reap i have never been so impressed with the locals work ethis and thoughfulness to you by calling you as sir(they can't or don't know your name) also the number of times the are concerned over sellling you water and the comsumerist tourist trap.( even if you have more then enough already). one hilarious incident in market was when i was mistrakened to be the son of Eric(singaporian) never had such a idemtity crisis jhappened before.
While memories of koh tao are still in the woods with me i feel ready fomorrow for china and cross the cambodia border to catch an Air Asia fligHt in china and the the one man wolfpack get more people into his fictionl club. there may not be much to report on but wait until aftern china
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