What can I say? I loved the place. I ended up staying 10 days and could easily not have left. A massive factor for this was undoubtedly the hostel I stayed in; El Viajero, which for me was everything a hostel should be. It had a great atmosphere and I met so many cool people from all over Latin America, Europe and the States. It's in the be…
Well, as you may know the plans for my latest adventures are somewhat vague... So I thought I'd set up this blog so you can see where I am- just as soon as I figue it out!
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." Mark Twain
What can I say? I loved the place. I ended up staying 10 days and could easily not have left. A massive factor for this was undoubtedly the hostel I stayed in; El Viajero, which for me was eve…
So getting to Tierradentro is no easy feat. I had to first get a minibus to La Plata and then get a pick-up truck to the town of San Andes de Pisimbala. Shortly after leaving La Plata the road…
So I was a little torn about leaving the party central of Bogota for my birthday but I was also very excited about spending it somewhere unique so I teamed up with a cool Spanish girl and we t…
Well what can I say Bogotá is huge! With a population of almost 7.5million, compared to the whole of Ireland at less than 6.5 million, no matter how long I spent here I was only going to touc…
Well if I left the lake to escape the rain I'd come to the wrong place, being in the mountains Xe'la (or Quetzaltenango to give it its proper name) gets its fair share and my first impressions…
I loved reading your blog about the Dhamma Shringa in Nepal. I'm also going there in August and I'm a bit nervous about it, since I'm getting quite negative feedback about tat specific center. Was it ok to stay there? How were the facilities, bathrooms, showers,bedrooms? Hygiene?
Thank you!
Hmm I tried to rate your blog but it only let me click one star an don't let me change - soz, I was going to give you five! Anyways just thought I'd let you know in case your highyly insulted. I'll not try that again xx
Vicky C Funny as always Laura! More please :)
re: Lake Atitlánann wow, you're looking great!! ALL THAT FOOD AND DRINK YOU TOLD US ABOUT IS CERTAINLY AGREEING WITH YOU. xxx
re:Maria Love your blog x
re: A night on the tiles!Dave "a very typical Khaosan road night" HAHA! Sooo true! X Dave
re: Koh Lanta & BangkokArti Wow, this must be tough......
re: All good getaways begin in Mexico!Han They look somewhat confused by "potatao"
re: Say 'potatao'Hannah Love this!
re: photo from 10 March 2013mum i see you're off to a good start in Mexico.X
re: All good getaways begin in Mexico!Sarah Hi, I loved reading your blog about the Dhamma Shringa in Nepal. I'm also going there in August and I'm a bit nervous about it, since I'm getting quite negative feedback about tat specific center. Was it ok to stay there? How were the facilities, bathrooms, showers,bedrooms? Hygiene? Thank you! Sarah
re: Buddha callingHannah Beautiful photos Laura
re: photo from 22 March 2013Ciara did you take these photos or did you give your camera to someone who can?! :) Looks amazing
re: photo from 22 March 2013Ciara this is an interesting look missy :)
re: Looking hot!Laura Lol- you're just a harsh marker, but I'll try not to let it offend me!
re: Burma begins...Shauna Hmm I tried to rate your blog but it only let me click one star an don't let me change - soz, I was going to give you five! Anyways just thought I'd let you know in case your highyly insulted. I'll not try that again xx
re: Burma begins...