Hope U have a good time in Prag!! It was a good party up in StarDust last night,felling really bad today..=)=)
Take Care!!
// M
Hey all we have updated the photos!!! We arrived in Germany yestorday and today has been a loveley 28degress!! I am very happy has we have met back up with jenny so its no longer me and the boys and I have a female to go shopping, b**** and do all the girly stuff with!! We have orgainsed to go to Prague on tuesday and meet up with Erwin and Marget tomorrow and we are staying 2 nights with Claudia. It will be fantastic . Anyway bye for now, love from jade xoxox
Great to see your having a ball over there guys i wish i could have been a fly on the wall when the taxi incident happend (pure gold) and Goody that ten minute phone call to Janson, um what the????? (stay of the dope mate). Geoff i hope your looking after him mate like only you can, cause our young boy appears to be growing up! Believe me with you over there and legs in hawaii we are all very jealous at the moment. Melbourne is freezing, work is work and the demons have lost five in a row, you got to love it. Keep the msg's coming guys they rock. Cheers
Well glad to see that you had an enjoyable time in the land of the INCA!!!! Destiny fulfilled!!(some photos would be appreciated!!) Hope the ferry to Germany is as fruitful as the stockholm > finland trip and your wildest dreams come true. Anyway girls some people have to work for a living and only dream of what u blokes (& Jade) are doing but come January myself, sadrichem (and working on Macca) are going to be London bound. Until next time, have fun. PS there is an awesome Aussie bar in Berlin that i went to and they serve a good old fashioned VB!!!! grrraaavvvyyyy!
Hi all, its good to see that everyone is enjoying the site and posting messages. We are currently in Helsinki, Finland and it is a G L Orious day. We are going on a cruise ship tonight and if it is anything like the ferry that we caught from Sweden to Finland than it should be an awesome night. We will be in Berlin for 5 nights and then probably going to Krakow in Poland and then to Prague in Czech Republic. Cheers!
P.S. By the way its good to see that even when me and Geoff are on the other side of the world, we still get crap about Collingwood losing to Essendon.
Hey all,
thanks Lauren and Lia for your spelling tips as you can tell are well needed!! lol
We arrived in Helsinki (Finland) yestorday and it was beautiful weather!!! Our Ferrie from Sweden to Finland was fantastic. We enjoyed a free trip as they didn't validate our eurail pass' and also managed to get 2 free meals (which were scamed). On the ship there was a nightclub so of course we riped up the dance floor!!! (big night).We have also organised a ferrie back to Germany (Berlin) which departes tomorrow night and arrives in Berlin 7pm Wed night!! anyway for know miss you all and will update more photos as soon as we find a computer that works.... bye bye love jade!!xoxox
Mel And Jim
hey guys its only been how long and i finally discovered this site you have developed, wow waht a great idea. The photos are great, good to hear your all having a fantastic trip. geoff and goody essendon are still better than collingwood. missing ya's heaps, stay safe. love mel and jim
Lia & Loz
Dearest Jade, Geoff & Goody,
We notice that all the alcohomohol is effecting the brain, especially you Geoff! We realise that Jade has some difficulty in the spelling area, however, you Geoff are the one with the "uni degree" and still can't seem to get the spelling write, i mean right in the e-mail!!! We got confused, we didn't realise that Ome Kees was your Oma Cas (meaning Nanna Cas!). Here are the following spelling mistakes from your e-mail: bycicles, poliching,Bicardi,porcelin, bob marle, definately. The correct spelling is: bicycles, polishing, Bacardi, porcelain, bob marley, definitely. I think you should consider having more than 1 alcohol free day a month!
Miss you heaps,
Love from Lia & Loz xxx
Hey guys,
Well i cant really say that the alcomhol hasnt affected the brain cells, as me not quiet think same all time, but i can say that with internet being about $5-15 an hour and MS word not being in English it is sometimes quite difficult to proof-read and get correct spelling so you should just be thankful!!! Nah kidding ill try harder next time, or i can send it to the person studying to be a teacher (Lia) and she can go over it for us.
But thanks for the corrections and good to hear from you both.
PS. If your going to correct my spelling and grammer, i think you should make sure that you get it right yourself. I think you'll find that it 'affect' ladies, not 'effect'.
The Smiths
Hi Geoff, Jade and Goody.......photo's look great keep partying. PS Geoff, Collingwood are still crap.
Aunty Di
Hi all! Glad to see you are still having fun, not long now till the rest of the Camilleris are there too.We are keeping your dad busy though, with are bathroom reno, it's going to be great but is very messy in the meantime.Everyone here is well and happy and missing you heaps!No news though, nothing interesting has happened of late, so............looking forward to your next update, Jade----- driving the porcelain bus is not good for you, and Geoff------ no one wants to see your bum!!!!No more mooning!!!!Jarrod_--------- keep them in line will you??(oh, hang on a minute!!!) Have fun guys, be safe, be happy!! Love Di XXXX
Hi all,
We arrived in Sweden yestorday however the weather is a bit miserable. We are planning on seeing the city but it looks like we might get a bit wet doing so. Auntie Ink say Hi to everyone for us also, we miss you guys so much!! We will keep in contact tho!!
Sandra and Fam, we are all well. I am so excited because i am meeting up with Jen and Paul again next Thursday which i can't wait to see her!!
will put some more pics up tomorrow of ´Germany Denmark and Sweden!! so check tomorrow or sunday, anyway miss you all very much, keep in contact love Jade!!!!!!!xoxoxox
Erin G
Hey Jade, Great to see that you are all having a fantastic time...except for drinking too much and having to suffer for it! (Thanks for sharing that with us Geoff...Jade would probably forget to tell is that part...hehe) The photo's show that you all enjoyed Holland and had a wonderful time with all the relatives. Looking forward to seeing the photo's of Denmark and the next destinations that your travels take you! Take Care and Safe Travelling. Love Erin