So today was like, insanely stressful. We moved from Siena (laavly) to Lucca today and arrived here at about 3.30. BUT FIRST... oh what an adventure.
So we got the train to Empoli so we could change to get to Pisa so we could change again for Lucca and once wed found the right train we ran for it and B jumped on and the door shut literally just when I was there and it was like the final time for the doors, so it wouldnt let me on! So I was pressing the button lots for the door but it wouldnt open and the the man blew the whilstle and I said NO STOP MY AMIGO IS ON THERE! WITH MY BIGLETTO! (ticket) but he just shurgged and the train left. With B on it.
And B had the day bag.
This is the usual contents of the day bag:
both our passports
both our interrail tickets
both our passports both our purses
So you can imagine my panic. I must confess I did shed a tear or 20: mainly becuase I was stranded, with no phone, no money at all, no passport, nothing basically. I swore. Ill admit it. Moer than once. So I went back to the ticket man who helped me earlier, and, through my solitary tear I tried explaining in english, then in french, but he didnt understand. So "heck!" I thought to myself, "what a pickle Ive got myself into!".
So he got the general jist after amigo, bigletto, and door gestures were thrown around. He looked sympathetic but a bit confused. A big like a dog watching someone else eat their food. He then spoke to a portly fellow with a tremendous beard that clearly took love and care to grow and he came out the office and pointed roughly where the bank was. Which really was no help becuase I didnt have my card on me either. And even if I did there wouldnt be anything there becuase I have 14 pounds. Yeah thats right, Im loaded!!
Anyway, armed with a travellers cheque and my photocopied passport I spent the next hour trailing round this god awful town and went to about 4 banks, queued and then as turned down. Effing great. Eventually in bank 4 I shouted at the bank man becuase he was being SO unhelpful and SO rude and SO annoying and he didnt speak english. Yeah, i know, its their country and I do feel bad for not being able to speak Italien but really! He wasnt even trying to understand my french!
So I was raising my voice at him becuase I was totally screwed and stressed, and I was sweating becuase I was stressed so much! And a man in the queue behind me said "I soeak a little english, can I help you?" and I was so happy I did a bit more crying and explained that my amigo was on the train without me and I had nothing and I didnt even know where I was and that they wouldnt change my travellers cheques becuase it was only a photocopy and they would only accept an original (even though it was blatenely me in the picture).
So he took me to another bank and we spoke to the manager!! Yes the manager! And after the manager didnt seem keen to do my travellers chques the nice italien man got pretty irate and did some quite italien speach. Whislt translating for me so I knew what was going on. And I said, tell him Ive lost my amigo, and he did, and then I said, tell him its really me in the photocopy, and he did. So he was really quite helpful.
So after about half an hour atleast at the bank with the nice italien man (he wasnt one of those wierd ones, he looked english really. Not that real italiens look weird, but sometimes me and B have found them to be a little leery. But thats probably just because were such babes) he asked the bank man to look up how much it would cost to get me to Pisa. And then he took me to the train station and gave me the money!! So I was super thankful. I said graci beaucoup times.
So I eventually made it to Pisa and after looking round the station for 10 minutes I saw B crouching on a bench. Looking pretty depressed. Probably becuase I was lost in the abyss for ages. Then I ran towards her and she ran towards me and it was just like a scene from a love movie. Only we didnt make out or anything. But we did lots of hugging and crying.
So it was all ok. All thanks to the nice italien man! If it wasnt for him I actaly dont know where I would be right now. Or where B would be. Hectic!
So the moral of this story is: always give money to crying girls. And also dont keep all your valuables in 1 bag.
Then an hour later we made it to Lucca and did our victory "YAY WERE HERE" dance. Whcih is far cooler than it sounds.
Lucca is hot and nice and historic and stuff. And we did some preuzing and found some grafitti that says NO GESTAPO so I took a picture. And then we sat on the wall that surrounds Luca but a running man told us to get off. So we got off and sat on it a bit further down. Which I think was the local makeout spot becuase there were loads of couples doing couply things. But me and B just sat and watched the sun go down and she drew pictures.
WHAT A DAY!! Pretty gripping eh? Bet youll keep reading next time. Blog are boring? Heavens no. Not ours.
Oh I also made friends with a nun on the way to Pisa to find B and she said she would pray for me. Which was nice but to be honest it was a little late on in the day for prayers seeings as Id already had my Stressful Situation.
Were renting bikes tomorrow and going to ride all around the city. Sounds imperssive, its not really, its tiny. But still.
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