Glad you had such fun. Lovely to see all your photos up the right way!!
Johnny (Ionuț Pătrașcu)
I am actually surprised that the blog popped up in my emails since it never did this since I have subscribed to it when James left his workplace at City Tech in Portsmouth.
Tell him that I still work there (boo) and that I am the young Romanian dude that spammed him and the other coworkers with useless Formula 1 and plane references, he will probably remember.
Anyway it is good to see that you guys are traveling and you are well and if James wants to keep in touch, my email will probably appear in your message, I may need some advice as I am planning to leave Portsmouth in November and start traveling for a bit. :)
Best wishes, Johnny.
Phyl And Alan
Sorry we didn't send you a card this year but nevertheless wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Hope you had a good lie-in today. When we were in Veysonnaz the big event was the Cow Fight. Not as exciting as a bull fight but a bit of fun if one is on while you are there. Look forward to more blogs. Love x