Thanks for the email message. I now know what it was all about! I have had a look at the site and it seems that you need to download
some software to whatever computer you are on in order to be able to upload photos. "Aurigma Image Uploader 3". I suspect that the difficulty wil be that public access computers are set so that odd bits of software can not be downloaded willy nilly. I don't really know the answer although some of your chums may do. I think the best thing to do would be to email the STATRAVEL people and put the problem to them. Can you actually download the photos onto the computer you are on and then "drag and drop"?
Good Luck
PS: Roma has to be Piaza Navona and Campo de Fiori, both either day or night, preferably both.
Your chauffeur is resting now. Stanstead at 04:00 tomorrow, How romantic!
Nice to see you guys have the classiest place in europe, vernazza, on your homepage........with of course the classiest woman in europe awaiting your arrival. Have fun getting here! xx