Just to let you know I will be in Vernazza on Friday 28th at around 4/4.30 or as Adam would say...16.00/16.30. If you plan on getting there before, hang out in the village or on the rocks..........Jason, keep her on a VERY short leash. I will pick you up as soon as I arrive. Alternatively, let me know which day/train... I am there till Monday p.m. then I have to head back to Torino for a Tues. appointment. Italy is going into a weather crisis.....heat warnings etc. so be prepared.
See ya soon...
P.S. for Simon Sutch...you listen/read to too much Steve (U.S.) Wright!!
Hi Mum and Dad,
Rosyln text me to say that she knows where she s staying in Mannheim, and I have not had an e-mail. Please can you find out from Dr Basker. Thanks xxx
Wir haben dass nicht vestanden Simon!
Simon Sutch
What's another word for thesaurus?
All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand.
I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she left me before we met.
OK, so what's the speed of dark?
How do you tell when you're out of invisible ink?
Claire Montague
hey sutchy and ol' JJ!! u look like ure havin a reeeet laff!!! keep safe and don't talk to strangers xxx remember i owe u molahhh for the tickets!! cant wait to see u both byeee xoxox (im at work a la mo its bent)
Glad you like the place. Who wants the pin numbers from their diary? Both of you have a "Mum" and a "Dad," and it is not clear.
Nice to see the entries are still coming for the diary. Is the place you are going to also by the sea? I thought you were going to stay in Split for a while. How did you pay for the room you did not use?Was it a genuine deal over the internet and a house you couldn't find do you think or a total scam from start to finish for a house that does not exist?
Went out to a pub with a chum from the Mess after Dinner. Great fun in the car down leafy lanes with the exhaust blatting back from tall trees. Found a set of fishing lakes and heard carp breathing/rasping in the evening light. Quite Rupert Brooke, forever England sort of moment really - then some t***ser on a souped-up whiney Motor Bike zipped past.
I will ring your Mum and make sure she has seen this mesage board about the Mannheim Accomodation (wonder if there are two kindly Australian girls there if it all turns out a bit unneccesary with acommodation in Mannheim as well!) It'll be fine.
More Photos would be good. What is this "Red Bull Ice Cream"? Wasn't it Jason that told me that your kidneys bleed every time you drink that stuff?
Sleep tight, it is past my bedtime.
(i hate technology) date will be around 12 August. You have no choice, say no at your peril! Consequences for you will be truly dire! We are off to get red bull ice cream now. Really beautiful here, upload some pictures tomorrow hopefully. Take care. Jas and Caroline
Hi Nathaniel and Bethan GEEEEEEEEEEEE, Caroline and I have decided that you both have to come for a night out in Bristol when we get back. (permission will be sought from Caroline's parents) Don not even think of saying no! D
Hey mum,
has any post arrived from mannheim, should ve heard about accommodation by now xxxxxx. If not could you let me no because i will have to spk 2 my tutor, Dr David Basker.
p.s. we are missing our cocktails too! Please stock up on Gin
Hey Guys,
Nathaniel just showed me your pics.....looks like you're having a wicked time! Although I agree with him on the beer. I never thought I'd see the day. I see you've become yobbish on your travels. We shall have to rectify that and turn you into the vintage-wine drinkers you once were upon return.
Stay safe.Love Beth xXx
King Of The World
hey you two, i see your message board is quite full, I didnt think you were that popular, lol. looks like loads of places have been lucky enough to experience your presences, but what was that drink! i thought you were vintage only, matured and styalized, that looks like a............. beer......uncoth and peasant fodder!!
hehe, well the sun is out and the birds are singing, at least we receive some consilation for being here!
enjoy the myterious places, i hope your tired and irritable with each other, and/or run out of money lol,
love you both really, take care!!! x x x