Ah the joys and mysteries of unplanned travel...........decided to head down to St Tropez for a look-see.....big mistake! After 2 hours we'd only gone a couple of kilometers and finally gave up 5 km short of our destination! Just too many people and cars going nowhere. Got to see it from a distance though. Headed back the way we'd come but this time over the mountain pass...very narrow and a couple of close calls with arrogant peasants. Next we thought we'd give Cannes a try...a similar experience but this time we made it all the way into the city. The billions of dollars worth of yachts and super-yachts tied up at the marina is a sickening sight. Some of these people could buy NZ for what they must've paid for their dinghys!
The plan was then to go to Nice and Monaco and try to find a bed for the night.....another big mistake. Only got to see glimpses of both as they were both choked with tourists and no accommodation anywhere.
Since we were so close decided to carry on driving into Italy to see if we could find somwhere to stay for the night. What a contrast of geography once you'e over the border. All of the hillsides are terraced and covered in glasshouses. That's the ones we could see between the (at least) 60 tunnels you go through. Headed into Genova as it was getting dark.....didn't like the look of the place at all, and the couple of hotels we tried were well out of our budget range.
So after a quick bite to eat and fuel top up at a service station, we carried on through the night to Pisa, finally getting into a Holiday Inn around 11:30. Collapsed into bed and slept very soundly.
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